This is Mei, legs kicking in the air and on the headboard, hanging onto her favorite stuffed toy "Xiao Gou Gou" (puppy) and "Xiao Tow Jin" (the piece of small towel, think she combined English 'towel' and Chinese "Xiao Mao Jin" and created this lovely name and now the whole family uses the phrase) for her dear life, refusing to put on the school uniform in the morning. I took 2 half day off this week, to observe how Mei is adjusting to school life. Sadly, I actually have to hide until the time that she's inside the school gate, otherwise, there is no way
that we can don her the uniform and send her to school. In that aspect, I must say auntie Imelda does a far better job than I do. I hid around the corner, and peeped through the palm sized undecorated window after she's in. She usually cries for the first 5 to 8 minutes. Once the formal teaching starts, she stops crying and follows along. I then go and peep at intervals and found that she is actually doing fine, except for that she is clumsier that her classmates.
Mei is more advanced than Han Jin in terms of language, but not in motor skills, and she is younger (probably by one year on average) than her classmate. I'd say she did pretty well for her age. She stomped her feet to the beat of the music, waved hand when asked, obediently went back to the seat when ordered... all looks fine.
This is her when she stepped out of the school, and beamed a smile on sight of me.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Geylang, with a fair entry in Wikipedia, is the only place in Singapore where licensed brothel can be found.
Years ago, when I was studying ACCA at ICPAS, which is located at Aljunied Road near Geylang, I had to take bus 23 along Geylang Road to Toa Payoh. Other than a little messy, too many people, and the occasional stare from some old men at the coffee shop (which was very uncomfortable), I didn't find the place that much different from any other places on the island, maybe because it was in daytime.
Jia Cheng, a relative's kid, who came to study CTA and ACCA at ICPAS, moved out from our home to a rented place along Geylang Road, naively not aware of the status of the place. We sent him off last night and parked our car in Lorong 20. As he couldn't find the place easily, we ended up walking from Lorong 20 to Geylang Road. I realised that we were right at the heart of the red light district during its business hour, from seemingly higher class brightly lit brothel boasting Men's Heaven, to many small hotels along the road, to many foreign workers standing along a dimly lit side road. We managed to find the dormitory on 3rd floor of a shophouse which was stuffed with 22 people in 6 rooms over a floor area not more than 100 square meters.
This is the other side of Singapore. Jia Cheng should move out of the place soon.
Ten years ago, when I first arrived in Singapore with a monthly salary of $1.1k as a nurse, over a lunch with some doctors and nurses, I was prompted a question by an old male doctor (OMD) with a lecherous gleam in his eye.
OMD: What do you think of the Chinese girls in Geylang?
Me: What is Geylang?
OMD: Those girls in Karaoke lounge...
Me: urr... I think we should not look down upon them (the best I can come out from my limited English vocabulary then).
OMD: Oh, I don't look down upon them. I like them.... Btw, you are on work permit, that means you earn less than $2k. How do you live off your pathetic salary?
I felt very much offended and wanted to leave the table, but thought it was rude to do so. So I stayed till everyone finished lunch with daggers in my eyes and stayed away from the OMD ever after. Till today, I still feel offended and over and over again in my mind I try to come up with a better answer to that damn silly question. This is the one that I think I can throw back effortlessly if ever such question was popped again.
I wouldn't translate this entry and post it on QQ for my folks to read.
As a Chinese girl in Singapore, there bound to be unpleasant moments as such. There is nothing much you can do to change the perception, and that perception might not be totally unfounded. Just be yourself, and you may change the perception of people around you.
As I progress, I do find more cultivated people (not equal to more educated, obviously, the doctor in question is highly educated) are less biased, at least, they don't generalise or they shun away from vocally expressing such comments/perception.
*while, just to add, I subsequently abondoned the bus route and took MRT after knowing the profile of Geylang, though bus stop is at doorstep.
* and, looking back the time that I lived on $1.1K salary, I lived happily and could save up to 80% of my salary. That's the only time in life that I cooked, shopped grocery, picked up discounted veggies at NTUC, rationed every cent of my spending, walks long distance to save bus fare...etc. But that's also the time that I enjoyed walking and appreciating sceneries, that I spent most of the spare time at Toa Payoh library enjoying free air con and books, that I managed completing ACCA within the shortest timeframe with the highest marks and earned scholarship/prizes enough to cover my school fees, and that's time that I met my wonderful husband who then cooked for me while I studied really hard. A man who cooks is a man to marry....
Years ago, when I was studying ACCA at ICPAS, which is located at Aljunied Road near Geylang, I had to take bus 23 along Geylang Road to Toa Payoh. Other than a little messy, too many people, and the occasional stare from some old men at the coffee shop (which was very uncomfortable), I didn't find the place that much different from any other places on the island, maybe because it was in daytime.
Jia Cheng, a relative's kid, who came to study CTA and ACCA at ICPAS, moved out from our home to a rented place along Geylang Road, naively not aware of the status of the place. We sent him off last night and parked our car in Lorong 20. As he couldn't find the place easily, we ended up walking from Lorong 20 to Geylang Road. I realised that we were right at the heart of the red light district during its business hour, from seemingly higher class brightly lit brothel boasting Men's Heaven, to many small hotels along the road, to many foreign workers standing along a dimly lit side road. We managed to find the dormitory on 3rd floor of a shophouse which was stuffed with 22 people in 6 rooms over a floor area not more than 100 square meters.
This is the other side of Singapore. Jia Cheng should move out of the place soon.
Ten years ago, when I first arrived in Singapore with a monthly salary of $1.1k as a nurse, over a lunch with some doctors and nurses, I was prompted a question by an old male doctor (OMD) with a lecherous gleam in his eye.
OMD: What do you think of the Chinese girls in Geylang?
Me: What is Geylang?
OMD: Those girls in Karaoke lounge...
Me: urr... I think we should not look down upon them (the best I can come out from my limited English vocabulary then).
OMD: Oh, I don't look down upon them. I like them.... Btw, you are on work permit, that means you earn less than $2k. How do you live off your pathetic salary?
I felt very much offended and wanted to leave the table, but thought it was rude to do so. So I stayed till everyone finished lunch with daggers in my eyes and stayed away from the OMD ever after. Till today, I still feel offended and over and over again in my mind I try to come up with a better answer to that damn silly question. This is the one that I think I can throw back effortlessly if ever such question was popped again.
I wouldn't translate this entry and post it on QQ for my folks to read.
As a Chinese girl in Singapore, there bound to be unpleasant moments as such. There is nothing much you can do to change the perception, and that perception might not be totally unfounded. Just be yourself, and you may change the perception of people around you.
As I progress, I do find more cultivated people (not equal to more educated, obviously, the doctor in question is highly educated) are less biased, at least, they don't generalise or they shun away from vocally expressing such comments/perception.
*while, just to add, I subsequently abondoned the bus route and took MRT after knowing the profile of Geylang, though bus stop is at doorstep.
* and, looking back the time that I lived on $1.1K salary, I lived happily and could save up to 80% of my salary. That's the only time in life that I cooked, shopped grocery, picked up discounted veggies at NTUC, rationed every cent of my spending, walks long distance to save bus fare...etc. But that's also the time that I enjoyed walking and appreciating sceneries, that I spent most of the spare time at Toa Payoh library enjoying free air con and books, that I managed completing ACCA within the shortest timeframe with the highest marks and earned scholarship/prizes enough to cover my school fees, and that's time that I met my wonderful husband who then cooked for me while I studied really hard. A man who cooks is a man to marry....
Sunday, April 24, 2011
21.5 个月の第一次 Life First at 21.5 months
Wine 红酒
Mei tried wine for the first time. Guess what? 不到两岁的妹妹第一次尝红酒,她喜欢吗?
A. She doesn't like wine. 她不喜欢红酒。
B. She likes wine. 她喜欢红酒。
Answer to be found at the end of the entry. 答案稍后揭晓。
Movie 电影
A total of 24 of us went to the Cinema for Thomas and Friends, the Misty Island Rescue. Mei's Life First again. Did she like it? Again, to be answered later.
我们一行24人浩浩荡荡去看托马斯小火车的电影,浩浩荡荡去吃面。友谊万岁! (好土的口号呀!)
Swim 游泳
Definitely, this is not the first time that Mei went to swimming pool. However, it marked the first time that she attempted to swim, by herself. I mean swim.. not simply playing water.
In terms of water adventurousness, I think Mei is more advanced than Han Jin, though Han Jin just made his breakthrough with water a few days ago.
Answer here:
- Mei likes wine. It's not me who wanted to cultivate her love for wine at this age. There was a little leftover after a friend's visit and Daddy put it under her nose. Mei smelled, held the glass with both hands, sipped a bit, didn't frown, cried when we moved the glass away. Tried the same with Han Jin at night after another friend's visit (seems we drank wine a lot), he frowned once we put it under his nose and pushed the glass away.
- Mei sat through the one hour movie in dark. Though I am not sure she enjoyed. But overall she is fine with cinema. Maybe because so many friends there together.
In summary, her little Highness seems know how to enjoy life.
- 妹妹挺喜欢红酒。我并不是要在妹妹22个月的稚龄就培养她喝红酒。早上一个朋友来,爸爸酒杯里剩下的,放在妹妹鼻子下,她闻了闻,双手捧起酒杯,小啜一口,没有皱眉,我们移开酒杯,妹妹开始哭。晚上另一个朋友走后,我们如法炮制让瀚今试,酒杯放在鼻子下他就直接推开。。。
- 妹妹在黑黑的电影院里吃爆米花,喝柠檬茶。小小不开心,但也坐完了一个小时的动画片。可能很多朋友吧。。。
Mei tried wine for the first time. Guess what? 不到两岁的妹妹第一次尝红酒,她喜欢吗?
A. She doesn't like wine. 她不喜欢红酒。
B. She likes wine. 她喜欢红酒。
Answer to be found at the end of the entry. 答案稍后揭晓。
Movie 电影
A total of 24 of us went to the Cinema for Thomas and Friends, the Misty Island Rescue. Mei's Life First again. Did she like it? Again, to be answered later.
我们一行24人浩浩荡荡去看托马斯小火车的电影,浩浩荡荡去吃面。友谊万岁! (好土的口号呀!)
Swim 游泳
Definitely, this is not the first time that Mei went to swimming pool. However, it marked the first time that she attempted to swim, by herself. I mean swim.. not simply playing water.
- She walked in the wadding pool, refusing my supporting hands.
- She attempted to jump in the water, imaging that she couldn't jump with both feet off ground on the land yet. No doubt, she fell into the water more than once, though most of the time, I was quick enough to pick her up before her chin submerged. There were once or two her head was under the water. But she wasn't put off at all.
- She jumped from the bank off into the water..... into my arms in the water actually.
- She insisted going into the kid's pool at 80cm deep, and wanted to walk in the pool by herself. Of course I wouldn't allow given that she's only 85cm.
- She enjoyed cling onto the edge of the kid's pool with all fours, without my support. A moment of independence in deep water.
- She enjoyed me pulling her backwards, forwards, turning around, up in the air, down to the water.
- She used the shower head to wash her feet and hand, and stick out her head under the running water!
- She wailed her heart out when I hoist her up from the water!
In terms of water adventurousness, I think Mei is more advanced than Han Jin, though Han Jin just made his breakthrough with water a few days ago.
- 在水深40cm的幼儿池中自由行走,不要我牵手。
- 尝试在水中跳跃。。妹妹在陆地上还不可以双脚同时离地呢。
- 从池边跳入池中,当然我的怀里。
- 坚持要去80cm深的儿童池,还要自己走。。当然不可以,妹妹才85cm高。
- 自己手脚并用,悬挂在儿童池边,不要我扶。
- 我在水中各种方式托着她游,开心得不得了。
- 在池边的冲凉处,她不光要冲手冲脚,还把头放在流水下!
- 大哭,要走的时候。
Answer here:
- Mei likes wine. It's not me who wanted to cultivate her love for wine at this age. There was a little leftover after a friend's visit and Daddy put it under her nose. Mei smelled, held the glass with both hands, sipped a bit, didn't frown, cried when we moved the glass away. Tried the same with Han Jin at night after another friend's visit (seems we drank wine a lot), he frowned once we put it under his nose and pushed the glass away.
- Mei sat through the one hour movie in dark. Though I am not sure she enjoyed. But overall she is fine with cinema. Maybe because so many friends there together.
In summary, her little Highness seems know how to enjoy life.
- 妹妹挺喜欢红酒。我并不是要在妹妹22个月的稚龄就培养她喝红酒。早上一个朋友来,爸爸酒杯里剩下的,放在妹妹鼻子下,她闻了闻,双手捧起酒杯,小啜一口,没有皱眉,我们移开酒杯,妹妹开始哭。晚上另一个朋友走后,我们如法炮制让瀚今试,酒杯放在鼻子下他就直接推开。。。
- 妹妹在黑黑的电影院里吃爆米花,喝柠檬茶。小小不开心,但也坐完了一个小时的动画片。可能很多朋友吧。。。
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Farewell 再见
A community farewell dinner for Mr Lim, who has been the MP for Buona Vista for 15 years, and moving onto East Coast GRC. We grassroot leaders practiced a song to bid farewell. I lived in this area for about 6 years, voluteered for about 2 years. It is a nice commnunity but I probably have taken it for granted. Didn't feel as sad as some of the more veteran GRLs or some of the residents who blocked the way just to shake Mr Lim's hand. From all these, I gathered that Mr Lim is loved by the people here. All the best!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
A moment of darkness 黑暗的一刻
The morning started very early for me today. I felt I was moved and woke up and noticed that I was on Daddy's shoulder, at the lift lobby, with Mummy standing next to me holding my shoes. Mummy changed my pyjamas in the car. I realised that I have not brushed my teeth, neither had my breakfast.
Where are we going? I wondered. I vaguely remembered that last night Mummy told me that we were going to remove the screw in my arm. But How? I asked Mummy. Mummy said only the doctor knows how (Son: I know how, but I don't want to give you the scare by mentioning blade and blood). Mummy has talked to me a lot about doctors, surgeons, chief surgeon recently, and I kept wondering what I could be if I studied harder than the doctors, the surgeons and the chief surgeon.
We arrived at another building (Kent Ridge Wing), not the building where I saw the doctor and watched Tom and Jerry (Main Building, NUH). Mummy did some paperwork with an auntie and we were led to a nice room. I can see a fish pond from the bed, and there was Tom and Jerry in the TV! Mummy said it is still early at 8am and I should sleep for a while. Nope. I wanted to watch TV! Here came another auntie put some cream on the back of my hand, and another auntie wheelchaired Mummy and me to a place. It seems a little familiar, but I couldn't recall. Anyway, I was not bothered as Mummy let me play the games in her iPhone.
I didn't notice Mummy changed into some blue suits that the other doctors wear, as the coloring game was so interesting. We went to another room. Hold on a minute! It does look familiar! A number of aunties and uncles in blue/dark green suits, some equipments and a slim bed in the center. Mummy carried me onto the bed, and over her shoulder, I saw a huge round plate with lots of round rights on it. Memory crept in. I tried to recall but an auntie asked me to blow a balloon. Fine, I'll do it. I blew a few times, and smells a sweet gas. Why Mummy looks so concerned? I am a bit giddy.... Memory came alive! This is the place that the doctor fixed my bone last time! No! I don't want the cut/ I don't want the nausea and pain afterwards/ I don't want to wear the cast! I started to struggle. A few aunties held me down, and put the mask over my nose. The sweet smell came over to me. I cried, but I couldn't hear my voice. Mummy became blurring, I know she bended and kissed me, but I couldn't feel it. My eyelid was heavy. I knew I was going to pass out, like last time. I hate the darkness.......
Pure darkness! No dream! Nothing! It is blank black moment in life and I am alone.
From Han Jin...... Mummy recounts how Han Jin could have felt about the surgery. Mummy knows that there are moments in life that Han Jin has to face it by himself and Mummy couldn't be part of it. But it is too early, and he is too young. I hope he wouldn't remember the feeling.
---- 20 Apr. Han Jin had the screw removed from the left elbow. He was sent into operating theater at 9am. Out in the recovery room at 11am, cranky during the waking up process. Back to the ward at 11.15am. Peacefully slept until 1pm. First word at 1pm: 'Mummy. I am very hungry.' He was fed some water, some milo, some biscuits, some apple, some papaya, some honeydew, some rock melon, some noodles, some dumplings. A little bit of each item. He was bright and active in the afternoon. No vomiting. No giddiness.
I am no Christian. But I thank God, and pray that this is the end of the mishap.
Where are we going? I wondered. I vaguely remembered that last night Mummy told me that we were going to remove the screw in my arm. But How? I asked Mummy. Mummy said only the doctor knows how (Son: I know how, but I don't want to give you the scare by mentioning blade and blood). Mummy has talked to me a lot about doctors, surgeons, chief surgeon recently, and I kept wondering what I could be if I studied harder than the doctors, the surgeons and the chief surgeon.
We arrived at another building (Kent Ridge Wing), not the building where I saw the doctor and watched Tom and Jerry (Main Building, NUH). Mummy did some paperwork with an auntie and we were led to a nice room. I can see a fish pond from the bed, and there was Tom and Jerry in the TV! Mummy said it is still early at 8am and I should sleep for a while. Nope. I wanted to watch TV! Here came another auntie put some cream on the back of my hand, and another auntie wheelchaired Mummy and me to a place. It seems a little familiar, but I couldn't recall. Anyway, I was not bothered as Mummy let me play the games in her iPhone.
I didn't notice Mummy changed into some blue suits that the other doctors wear, as the coloring game was so interesting. We went to another room. Hold on a minute! It does look familiar! A number of aunties and uncles in blue/dark green suits, some equipments and a slim bed in the center. Mummy carried me onto the bed, and over her shoulder, I saw a huge round plate with lots of round rights on it. Memory crept in. I tried to recall but an auntie asked me to blow a balloon. Fine, I'll do it. I blew a few times, and smells a sweet gas. Why Mummy looks so concerned? I am a bit giddy.... Memory came alive! This is the place that the doctor fixed my bone last time! No! I don't want the cut/ I don't want the nausea and pain afterwards/ I don't want to wear the cast! I started to struggle. A few aunties held me down, and put the mask over my nose. The sweet smell came over to me. I cried, but I couldn't hear my voice. Mummy became blurring, I know she bended and kissed me, but I couldn't feel it. My eyelid was heavy. I knew I was going to pass out, like last time. I hate the darkness.......
Pure darkness! No dream! Nothing! It is blank black moment in life and I am alone.
From Han Jin...... Mummy recounts how Han Jin could have felt about the surgery. Mummy knows that there are moments in life that Han Jin has to face it by himself and Mummy couldn't be part of it. But it is too early, and he is too young. I hope he wouldn't remember the feeling.
---- 20 Apr. Han Jin had the screw removed from the left elbow. He was sent into operating theater at 9am. Out in the recovery room at 11am, cranky during the waking up process. Back to the ward at 11.15am. Peacefully slept until 1pm. First word at 1pm: 'Mummy. I am very hungry.' He was fed some water, some milo, some biscuits, some apple, some papaya, some honeydew, some rock melon, some noodles, some dumplings. A little bit of each item. He was bright and active in the afternoon. No vomiting. No giddiness.
I am no Christian. But I thank God, and pray that this is the end of the mishap.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Growing up 成长
The bedtime routine started as usual, I read him a story, turned off the light, fed him water, helped him to pee in the container, tucked him in, and kissed him good night, then, Han Jin said: Mum, you can go out now.
Just a couple of days ago, I loathed the fact that I have to sleep at his side until he falls into asleep, which probably takes more than an hour, and most of the time, I will fall sleep sooner than him. While a little relieved, I found I started missing the great bonding we had, the endless role play, and Q&A in the darkness. We used play mummy hen and baby chick, mummy duck and baby duckling, mummy sheep and baby lamb, mummy dog and baby puppy, so on and so forth, and we rotate roles......
Letting him sleep by himself probably is the correct way to go. For a boy, I'd like him tough out, be a brave and strong boy. The little sorrow I had must give way to his growing up process. One day, my Han Jin will no longer need I holding his hand, and he will face whatever life brings on and shoulder up a family. Proud of you, my dear baby!
We went to the zoo today. Shot of the day is this picture where Mei is looking at the monkeys. The sideview of Mei is clearly outlined in the backdrop of a bright Monkey's World.
Most loved animal (assessed by the time we spend at each place): a draw between Monkey and Giraffe.
Most loved activity: the water play area, without fail, this is the most loved section by both kids. Han Jin runs through the sprinkle water with a little encouragement, something he dreaded to do last time. My little boy is growing up...
Must try next time: the Merry-go-round.
A piece of advice: the new covered car park is a bit too far. You can still park at the open car park provided there is slot.
A family carnival organised by Zone D RC, the place I serve. A fairly grand event with lots of activities, games, food and performances. Guest of Honor: Mr Chan, the PAP candidate. We all had fun, with Han Jin enjoying the bouncing castle, Mei joined her classmate to welcome Mr Chan, Mummy manned the ticketing booth and helped with the food distribution. I think I enjoy staying in HDB.
Just a couple of days ago, I loathed the fact that I have to sleep at his side until he falls into asleep, which probably takes more than an hour, and most of the time, I will fall sleep sooner than him. While a little relieved, I found I started missing the great bonding we had, the endless role play, and Q&A in the darkness. We used play mummy hen and baby chick, mummy duck and baby duckling, mummy sheep and baby lamb, mummy dog and baby puppy, so on and so forth, and we rotate roles......
Letting him sleep by himself probably is the correct way to go. For a boy, I'd like him tough out, be a brave and strong boy. The little sorrow I had must give way to his growing up process. One day, my Han Jin will no longer need I holding his hand, and he will face whatever life brings on and shoulder up a family. Proud of you, my dear baby!
We went to the zoo today. Shot of the day is this picture where Mei is looking at the monkeys. The sideview of Mei is clearly outlined in the backdrop of a bright Monkey's World.
Most loved animal (assessed by the time we spend at each place): a draw between Monkey and Giraffe.
Most loved activity: the water play area, without fail, this is the most loved section by both kids. Han Jin runs through the sprinkle water with a little encouragement, something he dreaded to do last time. My little boy is growing up...
Must try next time: the Merry-go-round.
A piece of advice: the new covered car park is a bit too far. You can still park at the open car park provided there is slot.
A family carnival organised by Zone D RC, the place I serve. A fairly grand event with lots of activities, games, food and performances. Guest of Honor: Mr Chan, the PAP candidate. We all had fun, with Han Jin enjoying the bouncing castle, Mei joined her classmate to welcome Mr Chan, Mummy manned the ticketing booth and helped with the food distribution. I think I enjoy staying in HDB.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Little Gardener 小小花匠
This is Mei, at the Community Garden downstairs, busy watering the plants and playing with the little fishes. One of her favorite spots, it never failed to put a smile on Mei's face. Mr Yip and another uncle in the garden are always friendly, and we say hi to them almost every morning on the way to the carpark. I love this community, and the nice people here.
Off Day 休息一下
On Friday, Daddy and I took a day off, mainly for Han Jin's appointment. Poor Han Jin was still sent to school in the morning until we fetch him for the medical appointment at 4pm.
We spent the morning to take turns observing Mei at the playgroup. Daddy concluded that it is a fine place and ready to send Mei there for good, though I am still reserved. At the end, I told the teacher that we will send Mei for the next week and will fecth her earlier at 10am. I noted that Mei enjoys the Music and Movement which is conducted in the first hour, but either her attention span dries up afterwards, or she is not interested in the hand craft and others. Actually, I found the class structure is very much similar to that of the Julia Grabriel, i.e music and movement, hand craft, snacks, drawing corner, and toys are all educational. It is however a plainer and simpler setting, with no parents allowed.
We then had lunch at Amichi, an italian restaurant at Holland V, just two of us. It suppose to be something romantic, given that we have not had a peaceful meal ever since the kids are here. However, I was occupied with Mei's class, and Daddy kept checking his email. We should do dinner some time, maybe, and put more attention towards each other. Food is nice, especially the pasta. One of Auntie Imelda's friends Ms Bembem works there, and she gave us huge discount and a Tiramusu on the house, which taste coffer and liquor and very palatable! Thanks, Bembem. It was really nice and I almost finished it before a photo was taken.
Heading to the spa at Orchard Hotel, I transferred the amount for the air tickets. Yes, we are going for a trip, a home trip to visit my in laws, and will fetch my parents to his hometown. Had a relaxing massage, my stiffy shoulder is much loosed. Thank, Chen Ni!
Then, we hurried to Han Jin's school and to the hospital. At the consultation room, while waiting for the Xray result be updated, we had a nice chat with the houseman and the intern (Prof went up to rush the Xray). The young doctors entertained Han Jin with all tricks from testing his reflexs to showing him models of joints, lungs etc. With the Prof back, we fixed the date for the screw to be taken out: next Wed. Another cut.......
We spent the morning to take turns observing Mei at the playgroup. Daddy concluded that it is a fine place and ready to send Mei there for good, though I am still reserved. At the end, I told the teacher that we will send Mei for the next week and will fecth her earlier at 10am. I noted that Mei enjoys the Music and Movement which is conducted in the first hour, but either her attention span dries up afterwards, or she is not interested in the hand craft and others. Actually, I found the class structure is very much similar to that of the Julia Grabriel, i.e music and movement, hand craft, snacks, drawing corner, and toys are all educational. It is however a plainer and simpler setting, with no parents allowed.
We then had lunch at Amichi, an italian restaurant at Holland V, just two of us. It suppose to be something romantic, given that we have not had a peaceful meal ever since the kids are here. However, I was occupied with Mei's class, and Daddy kept checking his email. We should do dinner some time, maybe, and put more attention towards each other. Food is nice, especially the pasta. One of Auntie Imelda's friends Ms Bembem works there, and she gave us huge discount and a Tiramusu on the house, which taste coffer and liquor and very palatable! Thanks, Bembem. It was really nice and I almost finished it before a photo was taken.
Heading to the spa at Orchard Hotel, I transferred the amount for the air tickets. Yes, we are going for a trip, a home trip to visit my in laws, and will fetch my parents to his hometown. Had a relaxing massage, my stiffy shoulder is much loosed. Thank, Chen Ni!
Then, we hurried to Han Jin's school and to the hospital. At the consultation room, while waiting for the Xray result be updated, we had a nice chat with the houseman and the intern (Prof went up to rush the Xray). The young doctors entertained Han Jin with all tricks from testing his reflexs to showing him models of joints, lungs etc. With the Prof back, we fixed the date for the screw to be taken out: next Wed. Another cut.......

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Overprotective parent
I have to declare: I'm an overprotective parent. Over worried. Biased, maybe? I'm sitting at a corner of the playgroup right now, watching my gal mingle merrily with the rest. It all seems fine.
While, I posted the above lines via iPhone at 10:07. Indeed, everything looks rosy then. But it made a sharp turn shortly after my post. Mei started crying, not loud, not screaming, but just very innocent sobbing with large tears running down. She realised that I am retreating to a corner, and becoming very passive. She came to me and threw her little arms around my neck and hugged me tight, resting her head on my shoulder and stayed still. We stayed the same position for about 5 mins. Teacher commented that I shouldn't be the one who send her the next day. Fine, I have to work on Thurs anyway.
I am not sure whether Mei is ready. I don't think I am ready to let her fly solo.
I guess I am this overprotective parent and I cannot help not to be.
Update on 15 Apr
Daddy went to Mei's school on Friday, accompanied her for the first hour. I peeped from the 10cm*5cm transparent window (the rest of the window is covered by paper deco, I guess it is to reduce the distraction for the kids), and noted Mei has cried non stop. I went upstairs to book the air tickets and went down again and Mei was still crying. I went in to take Daddy's place. Mei was pacified and started to play.
Daddy is of the view that the place is not bad, and certain discipline is required, and determined to put Mei back there. Tiger Daddy!
Actually, to be fair, it is not bad. Certain discipline is required. I talked to a few mums outside the center. They all commended that teacher Zubaidah is one of the best around this area. I am confused. Teacher Zubaidah reassured me that she has taken younger child before, and she understands how dishearted parents can be to see kids going through the separation anxiety.
I still don't feel ready. Looks that I am the one who has an issue.
While, I posted the above lines via iPhone at 10:07. Indeed, everything looks rosy then. But it made a sharp turn shortly after my post. Mei started crying, not loud, not screaming, but just very innocent sobbing with large tears running down. She realised that I am retreating to a corner, and becoming very passive. She came to me and threw her little arms around my neck and hugged me tight, resting her head on my shoulder and stayed still. We stayed the same position for about 5 mins. Teacher commented that I shouldn't be the one who send her the next day. Fine, I have to work on Thurs anyway.
I am not sure whether Mei is ready. I don't think I am ready to let her fly solo.
I guess I am this overprotective parent and I cannot help not to be.
Update on 15 Apr
Daddy went to Mei's school on Friday, accompanied her for the first hour. I peeped from the 10cm*5cm transparent window (the rest of the window is covered by paper deco, I guess it is to reduce the distraction for the kids), and noted Mei has cried non stop. I went upstairs to book the air tickets and went down again and Mei was still crying. I went in to take Daddy's place. Mei was pacified and started to play.
Daddy is of the view that the place is not bad, and certain discipline is required, and determined to put Mei back there. Tiger Daddy!
Actually, to be fair, it is not bad. Certain discipline is required. I talked to a few mums outside the center. They all commended that teacher Zubaidah is one of the best around this area. I am confused. Teacher Zubaidah reassured me that she has taken younger child before, and she understands how dishearted parents can be to see kids going through the separation anxiety.
I still don't feel ready. Looks that I am the one who has an issue.
Playgroup 妹妹上学了
At a tender age of 1 year, 9 months, 6 days (not that I remember Mei's age by days, but the Lilypie graphic age timer tells it on the face of the blog), Mei started her first regular class at BEK Learning Centre. Mei has been attending KinderMusik since she was 10 months, and enjoyed it completely. But KinderMusik is very different. Key difference: Mummy is always there in KinderMusik.
One day out of nowhere, I decided to sign Mei up for the playgroup downstairs. I just signed her up, without even asking whether there is a trial class. I brought her for a number of other trial classes for weekly session. The last attempt was the trial with Julia Gabriel bilingual class. I couldn't get the preferred time slot, neither the preferred center, or the preferred teacher. So I gave it up..... and in the end I just went for the playgroup literally downstairs of my HDB flat, in the RC center where I serve.... it's like from a 5 star hotel to a ... YMCA hostel... While, not that YMCA is bad, it is value for money, it has all the necessities.... and the playgroup, I would say it is very much along the line.
We scheduled for her to start on 1 Apr. But Mei has had this fever (up to 40.3 degree, a new record for her), followed by allergic reaction to the antibiotics which lasted for almost 2 weeks. I wasn't as panic as the other time, but the high fever was very worrying and we went to Kinder Clinic for Dr Ravi. After 1.5 day, the temperature is down (I started antibiotics which was supposed to be a back up, for fear that the rocket high temperature might cause any damage). Then rashes appeared, eyes swollen, and we were diagnosed of either Roseola or Allergic reaction by Dr Terrence Tan who runs the clinic at night. All medicine stopped, it didn't get better and we went back to Dr Ravi who suggested that it is more likely to be allergic to the Augmentin. So, we started Zrytec again, and rashes getting better in the abdomen but appearing at limbs; rashes on limbs getting better, but running nose getting worse; running nose getting better, but ulcer in the mouth getting worse.... till today, she still has a sore at the corner of the mouth..
Enough for the illness. Back to the stocktaking of the playgroup, I went with Mei on Monday for the whole session (Chinese session every Monday), my helper went today, and I am going tomorrow to have a feel of the English teacher whom some of the caregivers commented as good.
+ Attractively priced, cost $120 a month (all in with other fees abt $150 a month), which runs 9am to 11am Mon to Fri, excluding school holidays and public holidays... if you have a pre-schooler, you would agree this is very reasonable;
+ Superb convenience;
+ some familiar faces in the cohort (Yi Xuan and Renee);
+ lots of songs either by lao shi or CD player, but all with lao shi's hand action; lots of Chinese nursery rhythm that I can relate to...
+ some craft works; simply folding / crumpling / tearing papers would help with fine motor skills... I can do that with Mei at home (or my helper can).
That's probably a exhaustive list of the plus... for now.
Here comes the list of minus....
- love... not there. There was this girl who cried almost a whole hour, stretching out her arms for a hug. The disciplinarian teaching assistant simply stared back with an intoning voice: Stop, No hugging, Stop, No hugging, Stop.... with finger pointing at her. I really felt for the girl and wanted to give her a hug. Meeting my eyes, the 40 plus assistant explained 'oh, she always cries for nothing', which is probably true, as I couldn't see any obvious reason for the crying.. The obvious reason is probably that she needs attention which was not given. Well, having said, like YMCA, it is nothing wrong with the approach, and probably will be applauded by the Tiger Mother Amy Chua.... but I am not follower of that school.
- patience... not there. It runs a tight schedule, so it rushes from hand washing (I suspect whether it is thoroughly washed as it took about 5 seconds for one child on average) to art works and tea time (Mei didn't finish her crumpling paper exercise neither does the biscuits). Well, I don't have a clean phobia, but doubts on hygiene standards keep swirling in my head. I prepared Mei with a pair of non-slippery socks, but was asked to take off. Everyone is barefoot, except for the teaching assistant who is on slipper. I do think they are slippers solely used in the center, as I went the way to count the number of adult shoes on the cabinet and to my relief, it totalled 3 pairs.
- tender ... not there. There was another boy who clung his hands together whenever he's asked to do something he didn't want to, such as washing hands or doing craft. The Lao Shi herself dragged, yes, literally dragged him by the arm to the basin and forced open the hands for washing. She said he always behaved uncooperatively. Ok. She is a fine teacher in terms the singing part, I really liked that.
Well, 5 plus, 3 minus, but 3 huge minus... Am I biased? I will give it another try tomorrow.
A paragraph on the parent's handbook which is bold and underlined:
Enrolling your child, then withdrawing too quickly without allowing the child to settle in will send a dangerous signal that the child can quit anything by simply refusing whenever he wants to.
Umm.. I made a hasted decision to sign up. My fault. Fearing the highlighted dangerous signal, I can't withdraw her if she cries when we stopped appearing in the center. or, Can I? Hope Mei will like it as Renee does. I figured out that, so long as you are not the troublemaker, you are safe....
One day out of nowhere, I decided to sign Mei up for the playgroup downstairs. I just signed her up, without even asking whether there is a trial class. I brought her for a number of other trial classes for weekly session. The last attempt was the trial with Julia Gabriel bilingual class. I couldn't get the preferred time slot, neither the preferred center, or the preferred teacher. So I gave it up..... and in the end I just went for the playgroup literally downstairs of my HDB flat, in the RC center where I serve.... it's like from a 5 star hotel to a ... YMCA hostel... While, not that YMCA is bad, it is value for money, it has all the necessities.... and the playgroup, I would say it is very much along the line.
We scheduled for her to start on 1 Apr. But Mei has had this fever (up to 40.3 degree, a new record for her), followed by allergic reaction to the antibiotics which lasted for almost 2 weeks. I wasn't as panic as the other time, but the high fever was very worrying and we went to Kinder Clinic for Dr Ravi. After 1.5 day, the temperature is down (I started antibiotics which was supposed to be a back up, for fear that the rocket high temperature might cause any damage). Then rashes appeared, eyes swollen, and we were diagnosed of either Roseola or Allergic reaction by Dr Terrence Tan who runs the clinic at night. All medicine stopped, it didn't get better and we went back to Dr Ravi who suggested that it is more likely to be allergic to the Augmentin. So, we started Zrytec again, and rashes getting better in the abdomen but appearing at limbs; rashes on limbs getting better, but running nose getting worse; running nose getting better, but ulcer in the mouth getting worse.... till today, she still has a sore at the corner of the mouth..
Enough for the illness. Back to the stocktaking of the playgroup, I went with Mei on Monday for the whole session (Chinese session every Monday), my helper went today, and I am going tomorrow to have a feel of the English teacher whom some of the caregivers commented as good.
+ Attractively priced, cost $120 a month (all in with other fees abt $150 a month), which runs 9am to 11am Mon to Fri, excluding school holidays and public holidays... if you have a pre-schooler, you would agree this is very reasonable;
+ Superb convenience;
+ some familiar faces in the cohort (Yi Xuan and Renee);
+ lots of songs either by lao shi or CD player, but all with lao shi's hand action; lots of Chinese nursery rhythm that I can relate to...
+ some craft works; simply folding / crumpling / tearing papers would help with fine motor skills... I can do that with Mei at home (or my helper can).
That's probably a exhaustive list of the plus... for now.
Here comes the list of minus....
- love... not there. There was this girl who cried almost a whole hour, stretching out her arms for a hug. The disciplinarian teaching assistant simply stared back with an intoning voice: Stop, No hugging, Stop, No hugging, Stop.... with finger pointing at her. I really felt for the girl and wanted to give her a hug. Meeting my eyes, the 40 plus assistant explained 'oh, she always cries for nothing', which is probably true, as I couldn't see any obvious reason for the crying.. The obvious reason is probably that she needs attention which was not given. Well, having said, like YMCA, it is nothing wrong with the approach, and probably will be applauded by the Tiger Mother Amy Chua.... but I am not follower of that school.
- patience... not there. It runs a tight schedule, so it rushes from hand washing (I suspect whether it is thoroughly washed as it took about 5 seconds for one child on average) to art works and tea time (Mei didn't finish her crumpling paper exercise neither does the biscuits). Well, I don't have a clean phobia, but doubts on hygiene standards keep swirling in my head. I prepared Mei with a pair of non-slippery socks, but was asked to take off. Everyone is barefoot, except for the teaching assistant who is on slipper. I do think they are slippers solely used in the center, as I went the way to count the number of adult shoes on the cabinet and to my relief, it totalled 3 pairs.
- tender ... not there. There was another boy who clung his hands together whenever he's asked to do something he didn't want to, such as washing hands or doing craft. The Lao Shi herself dragged, yes, literally dragged him by the arm to the basin and forced open the hands for washing. She said he always behaved uncooperatively. Ok. She is a fine teacher in terms the singing part, I really liked that.
Well, 5 plus, 3 minus, but 3 huge minus... Am I biased? I will give it another try tomorrow.
A paragraph on the parent's handbook which is bold and underlined:
Enrolling your child, then withdrawing too quickly without allowing the child to settle in will send a dangerous signal that the child can quit anything by simply refusing whenever he wants to.
Umm.. I made a hasted decision to sign up. My fault. Fearing the highlighted dangerous signal, I can't withdraw her if she cries when we stopped appearing in the center. or, Can I? Hope Mei will like it as Renee does. I figured out that, so long as you are not the troublemaker, you are safe....
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学场老手, 哥哥牵着妹妹的手去学校;嘴角还有一点溃疡的妹妹;另一套制服 |
Monday, April 11, 2011
Arty 附庸风雅
A spontaneous day! We probably followed the footprint of a tourist today, so happy and relax.
Chen Ni informed the circle of friends that there is a Congo River, Arts of Central Africa exhibition in Asian Civilisation Museum ending today.. urr.. with free admission. We went there in the early morning (early as in around 10am), after making two rounds to look for a car park, and eventually parked at the House of Parliament. Maybe one day, I shall bring the kids to the House of Parliament for a tour. I went there many years ago, as a requirement for new citizens, and indeed found solemnness in the air and respect grows suddenly and in abundance.
A short walk to the Asian Civilisation Museum, realised that we had visited here probably before the arrival of Han Jin. 3 halls we visited altogether, the Buddhism, the Taoism and the Congo Art. I am totally a layman to art, and only able to appreciate from my amateur taste bud. But it doesn't stop me from liking all the collections. Like the Chinese calligraphy more. Like the Congo culture in its raw and primitive freshness.
Other than Wong family, my other friend, Ping's family was there. She is in the line of art, being a graphic designer, paints herself occasionally, works freelance in an art gallery, probably spend most of time when she is not with the kids investing in stocks and property... so, is she an artist, or an investor??
Both the other two family have to go home for lunch. We left alone in the gallery at around 11:30am. Sunny day outside. We decided to take a stroll along Singapore River. Setting my foot on the red brick pavement of Boat Quay, I suddenly felt like a tourist, the busy CBD is just behind me and I am not bothered about work at all. I can walk as slow as I care, we can stop to look at the king crab in the restaurant tank, stop at the river side to wave to the boat, smile at the ushers of different restaurants... The street is strangely quiet at Saturday lunch time... usually it is filled with people hanging at the bars, tourist coming to the seafood restaurants.
We decided to lunch at my favorite place (yet having been there since Mei was born): Jin De Lai at Boat Quay. It is the best Xi An restaurant in Singapore, all dishes are truly original, teasing my taste bud (not for art) longing for home food. Just couldn't decide which dish not to order... sumptuous meal... so contended. Highly recommended! It is not a glorious place, but it offers best food...
The kids were very excited about the boat on Singapore River. I promised them that if they are not tired after lunch, we can go for a ride. It is already 1pm after lunch, we decided to take a tour on the wooden vessel. I was a little worried that Mei could becoming grumpy as her nap time is long past, but she enjoyed it from start to end! Not to mention Han Jin who is more excited.. It wasn't that hot as the Boat cruise along the River, breeze brushes on your face, green water is at your fingertip, office is far away.... I am a total tourist today!
Best of all, neither lunch nor the boat ride was planned, it happened spontaneously, and beautifully!
我像个游客一样,悠闲地逛了亚洲文化博物馆,徘徊在新加坡河畔,吃了西安餐馆,凉皮一级棒!其他推荐菜色:大盘鸡,葱油饼,尖椒土豆丝,海带豆腐皮,烤羊肉串,肉夹馍。 地址:金德来餐馆,新加坡河畔驳船码头。
In the culture of Savannah, women play important roles as rulers, priestesses, honored mothers, and powerful ancestors. Family line is traced via female line, reflective of the high status of female figures. The last photo is a painting by Pablo Picasso, who was profoundly inspired by his encounter with African Arts. The painting is about a head which is largely unrecognisable to me. Picasso = abstract...
Chen Ni informed the circle of friends that there is a Congo River, Arts of Central Africa exhibition in Asian Civilisation Museum ending today.. urr.. with free admission. We went there in the early morning (early as in around 10am), after making two rounds to look for a car park, and eventually parked at the House of Parliament. Maybe one day, I shall bring the kids to the House of Parliament for a tour. I went there many years ago, as a requirement for new citizens, and indeed found solemnness in the air and respect grows suddenly and in abundance.
A short walk to the Asian Civilisation Museum, realised that we had visited here probably before the arrival of Han Jin. 3 halls we visited altogether, the Buddhism, the Taoism and the Congo Art. I am totally a layman to art, and only able to appreciate from my amateur taste bud. But it doesn't stop me from liking all the collections. Like the Chinese calligraphy more. Like the Congo culture in its raw and primitive freshness.
Other than Wong family, my other friend, Ping's family was there. She is in the line of art, being a graphic designer, paints herself occasionally, works freelance in an art gallery, probably spend most of time when she is not with the kids investing in stocks and property... so, is she an artist, or an investor??
Both the other two family have to go home for lunch. We left alone in the gallery at around 11:30am. Sunny day outside. We decided to take a stroll along Singapore River. Setting my foot on the red brick pavement of Boat Quay, I suddenly felt like a tourist, the busy CBD is just behind me and I am not bothered about work at all. I can walk as slow as I care, we can stop to look at the king crab in the restaurant tank, stop at the river side to wave to the boat, smile at the ushers of different restaurants... The street is strangely quiet at Saturday lunch time... usually it is filled with people hanging at the bars, tourist coming to the seafood restaurants.
We decided to lunch at my favorite place (yet having been there since Mei was born): Jin De Lai at Boat Quay. It is the best Xi An restaurant in Singapore, all dishes are truly original, teasing my taste bud (not for art) longing for home food. Just couldn't decide which dish not to order... sumptuous meal... so contended. Highly recommended! It is not a glorious place, but it offers best food...
The kids were very excited about the boat on Singapore River. I promised them that if they are not tired after lunch, we can go for a ride. It is already 1pm after lunch, we decided to take a tour on the wooden vessel. I was a little worried that Mei could becoming grumpy as her nap time is long past, but she enjoyed it from start to end! Not to mention Han Jin who is more excited.. It wasn't that hot as the Boat cruise along the River, breeze brushes on your face, green water is at your fingertip, office is far away.... I am a total tourist today!
Best of all, neither lunch nor the boat ride was planned, it happened spontaneously, and beautifully!
我像个游客一样,悠闲地逛了亚洲文化博物馆,徘徊在新加坡河畔,吃了西安餐馆,凉皮一级棒!其他推荐菜色:大盘鸡,葱油饼,尖椒土豆丝,海带豆腐皮,烤羊肉串,肉夹馍。 地址:金德来餐馆,新加坡河畔驳船码头。
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The Koran of Islam 可兰经;Buddha from Thailand 泰国佛像;Bronze Drum 青铜鼓;footprint of the Buddha 佛祖的足迹 golden Buddha 金身佛;white jade Buddha 白玉佛;Mei copying the Buddha posture 妹妹和佛 |
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Congo Arts 刚果原始部落艺术 |
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Chinese Art 齐白石的荷 |
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道,瓷,扇面; Taoism, china, covering of fan |
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Activities in the Museum 手工活动,新婚,小憩 |
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Boat Quay 新加坡河畔,金德来西安餐馆 |
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Boat Ride 游河 |
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Me time 空间
To have some time to yourself, it means sleep lesser. Like me, I got up after putting Han Jin into sleep, if I ever able to.. enjoy a little music, a little wine, potters around, blog, read others' blog... Oh, I chance upon this mummy of three's blog and think it is really good: I like her writing, even her blog layout and background.. :)
In the morning, ZD went to work for his usual half day on Sat once a month. Being in Big4 and investment bank, I found it a bit hard to believe that you have to work half day on Sat as a formal agreement.. though we have to work overtime from time to time, without compensation. Just heard from friend that even Audit has removed claiming for off in lieu.. Does that mean nowadays auditors do not work over time??
Mei threw quite a tantrum when she demanded to take the carseat, while the car is not in our car park! This is probably the first time in her life of 21 months that mummy did not fulfill her wish and pulled her away from the car park. She cried all the way from car park back home, hysterically. I went soft again and kissed her all over apologetically. I am not sure when will be a right time to start disciplining children... or I will never... especially with my little girl, who softens me more than my boy... Ok. I love them equally.
As a RC member, we conduct block visit from time to time. This round, it is special, as there is a special guest, Mr Chan Chun Sing, who is replacing Mr Lim Swee Say for BV Contituency joins the block visit to say hi to residents. The ex Cheif of Army is really friendly, probably a prerequisite to relate to people. I'd say it is nice to join grassroot that you know your neighbours and felt home to this place. I met Karen, a tai chi instructor, we shared the history of this martial art and I might bring Han Jin to her class one of the days.. I am not pitching for PA :))
Sneaked out of the RC center after the session, and spent a little good time with Mei. Han Jin is out with Daddy for dinner. So Mei has my 100% attention, and she apparently enjoyed it. She started to be aware of the sharing of attention, and will really push Han Jin away if he shows affection towards me, such as hugging or even just lean over me. Felt a bit flattered, I will usually hold Mei, and let Han Jin lean on me. As Han Jin slept with us at night, always feel there is time to make up for Han Jin, and usually will give more attention to Mei when she demands...
Mei went to sleep. Han Jin came back with Daddy. We then went to our Neighbour Sally's house, to have the boys playing beyblade together, boys as, including my hubby...
Now I am with this Tosti Asti, a delightful, light and fruity sparkling wine.
Oh, forgot to mention, I am becaming a Kiasu Singaporean...
几个男孩子玩beyblade, 陀螺一样的东西,我童心未泯的老公:)
可爱的,脾气见涨的瀚月 |
Daddy and Han Jin fell asleep, Mei sleeps next to my helper in another room. Clock is ticking 12mn. I'm up... to enjoy a little 'me' time. For those who do not have two tots at home, you probably find it no much difference as being married or being single, as least that is true for me. I don't feel life changed much from single to married.. but life did change a lot with the arrival of a kid... and another one. It is then become precious that you can spend time the other half, movie night is not that available any more.
To have some time to yourself, it means sleep lesser. Like me, I got up after putting Han Jin into sleep, if I ever able to.. enjoy a little music, a little wine, potters around, blog, read others' blog... Oh, I chance upon this mummy of three's blog and think it is really good: I like her writing, even her blog layout and background.. :)
In the morning, ZD went to work for his usual half day on Sat once a month. Being in Big4 and investment bank, I found it a bit hard to believe that you have to work half day on Sat as a formal agreement.. though we have to work overtime from time to time, without compensation. Just heard from friend that even Audit has removed claiming for off in lieu.. Does that mean nowadays auditors do not work over time??
Mei threw quite a tantrum when she demanded to take the carseat, while the car is not in our car park! This is probably the first time in her life of 21 months that mummy did not fulfill her wish and pulled her away from the car park. She cried all the way from car park back home, hysterically. I went soft again and kissed her all over apologetically. I am not sure when will be a right time to start disciplining children... or I will never... especially with my little girl, who softens me more than my boy... Ok. I love them equally.
As a RC member, we conduct block visit from time to time. This round, it is special, as there is a special guest, Mr Chan Chun Sing, who is replacing Mr Lim Swee Say for BV Contituency joins the block visit to say hi to residents. The ex Cheif of Army is really friendly, probably a prerequisite to relate to people. I'd say it is nice to join grassroot that you know your neighbours and felt home to this place. I met Karen, a tai chi instructor, we shared the history of this martial art and I might bring Han Jin to her class one of the days.. I am not pitching for PA :))
Sneaked out of the RC center after the session, and spent a little good time with Mei. Han Jin is out with Daddy for dinner. So Mei has my 100% attention, and she apparently enjoyed it. She started to be aware of the sharing of attention, and will really push Han Jin away if he shows affection towards me, such as hugging or even just lean over me. Felt a bit flattered, I will usually hold Mei, and let Han Jin lean on me. As Han Jin slept with us at night, always feel there is time to make up for Han Jin, and usually will give more attention to Mei when she demands...
Mei went to sleep. Han Jin came back with Daddy. We then went to our Neighbour Sally's house, to have the boys playing beyblade together, boys as, including my hubby...
Now I am with this Tosti Asti, a delightful, light and fruity sparkling wine.
Oh, forgot to mention, I am becaming a Kiasu Singaporean...
- I hold more than 5 credit cards;
- I do all sorts of thing to get my child into a better school;
- I speak Singlish;
- I queue up for everything and very law abiding;
- it was testified today, that Chen Ni and I went to queue for this movie ticket for Thomas & Friend Misty Island Rescue which starts screening on 16 Apr, and advance booking started today. We went there around 1230pm and all freebies are gone, while the cinema only opens at 10am, that means, there is probably 500 parents ahead of us being there from 10am to 1230pm.... we laughed it out, and concluded that we have not mastered the Singaporean Kiasu art..... Hurray! our close circle in this neighbourhood is going to movie together on 23rd Apr (19 altogether!).
Photo posting: Mei who loves swinging; photo with RC member and Mr Chan (need to clarify: it is Freddie's hand on Mr Chan's shoulder, not mine!); the boys playing beyblade; Mei, Han Jin and Mummy posing for photos...
几个男孩子玩beyblade, 陀螺一样的东西,我童心未泯的老公:)
Friday, April 8, 2011
感恩的心 Be Grateful
- 几天前读报纸,看到在我们公司不远处发生车祸,一辆计程车和Lombogini跑车相撞,计程车里的孕妇被困一个多小时。报纸没有讲后来的故事,心里有一点忐忑,对孕妇和孩子特别心软。后来收到同事的邮件,她居然是我们另一个部门的同事,怀孕36周,现在ICU,靠生命支持。。。
- 今天早上搭地铁,出故障在其中困了一个多小时。广播里传来有人晕倒,怀疑心脏病发作,呼吁医务人员去抢救,犹豫了一下,自己十多年前的护理经验还可以用吗?
A few incidents lately reminded me that we have to be grateful of what life brings to us, and in particularly, the health and happiness we have right now.
- a tragic serious motor accident turned out involved one of my colleagues in advanced stage of pregnancy. She is very likely to be paralysed, and now living on life support machines. Baby was taken out by C section, and they have a girl of 3 years old;
- a few other incidents involving young children in the newspaper: a 6-year-old boy fell off the window, and a 16-year-old girl fell into MRT track...
Incident happens. Be grateful!
- 几天前读报纸,看到在我们公司不远处发生车祸,一辆计程车和Lombogini跑车相撞,计程车里的孕妇被困一个多小时。报纸没有讲后来的故事,心里有一点忐忑,对孕妇和孩子特别心软。后来收到同事的邮件,她居然是我们另一个部门的同事,怀孕36周,现在ICU,靠生命支持。。。
- 今天早上搭地铁,出故障在其中困了一个多小时。广播里传来有人晕倒,怀疑心脏病发作,呼吁医务人员去抢救,犹豫了一下,自己十多年前的护理经验还可以用吗?
A few incidents lately reminded me that we have to be grateful of what life brings to us, and in particularly, the health and happiness we have right now.
- a tragic serious motor accident turned out involved one of my colleagues in advanced stage of pregnancy. She is very likely to be paralysed, and now living on life support machines. Baby was taken out by C section, and they have a girl of 3 years old;
- a few other incidents involving young children in the newspaper: a 6-year-old boy fell off the window, and a 16-year-old girl fell into MRT track...
Incident happens. Be grateful!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Box Stacking 有点轻松,有点失落
Weekend again! I felt much lighter this weekend. I spoke to my boss yesterday and decided to give the chance a miss. A little upset, but more relieved. My family is far more important than my career.
Another ordinary day, happy day. At Plaza Singapura, after Han Jin's Yamaha class, we participated a box stacking competition organised by Building & Construction Authority promoting green living. My helper Imelda paired with Jia Cheng, and my hubby with me. Both team failed at level 14, and were told the record is at 19 levels. Was fun, and we each had a cute water bottle as souvenir! Han Jin went into a wind box to catch green leaves and earned himself a key chain.
不想说话,放几张在Plaza Sing 玩堆箱子游戏的照片。。秀一下长腿。。。其实我的头脑好过外貌很多。。。哈哈哈。。。
宝贝们,妈妈为你们放弃了很多。应该所有的妈妈都为孩子做过这样那样的牺牲。也许我要习惯淡化自我。。。就算有人称我张太太,也不要生气,要因为他的成就而开心。曾经有人会跟老公讲:Wow, 你是XXX的老公呀! 我期待有一天,有人会跟我这样说。 老公,加油呀! 不要有压力,说着玩的。。。
Another ordinary day, happy day. At Plaza Singapura, after Han Jin's Yamaha class, we participated a box stacking competition organised by Building & Construction Authority promoting green living. My helper Imelda paired with Jia Cheng, and my hubby with me. Both team failed at level 14, and were told the record is at 19 levels. Was fun, and we each had a cute water bottle as souvenir! Han Jin went into a wind box to catch green leaves and earned himself a key chain.
不想说话,放几张在Plaza Sing 玩堆箱子游戏的照片。。秀一下长腿。。。其实我的头脑好过外貌很多。。。哈哈哈。。。
宝贝们,妈妈为你们放弃了很多。应该所有的妈妈都为孩子做过这样那样的牺牲。也许我要习惯淡化自我。。。就算有人称我张太太,也不要生气,要因为他的成就而开心。曾经有人会跟老公讲:Wow, 你是XXX的老公呀! 我期待有一天,有人会跟我这样说。 老公,加油呀! 不要有压力,说着玩的。。。
Friday, April 1, 2011
Chilli Padi Nonya Cafe 娘惹文化
We met my long time friend, Yin's family for dinner over last weekend, at a place recommended by Yin's hubby Arben, mainly for welcoming Yin's mum who came over to help with the young Sebastian before the new maid arrives. We knew each other for almost a decade, and were keeping regular contact much to the credit of Yin's calls once in a while, and for that, I have to reiterate that the many of friends that Yin has mirrors her warmth and openness with friends, something I probably need to learn and enrich myself. Yin's mum looked incredibly young, reminds me of my mum when she was here looking after the first two budding years of Han Jin. Mum can always be relied upon, when you are in need.
It turned out to be a place I liked very much, better than any other posher place I have been to. It is a Nonya Cafe named Chilli Padi at 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace #06-21, somewhere in NUS near Bukit Panjang Road. The setting is nice and simple with many cultural display, such as the Nonya costume, fine china, tea set and of course with the traditional Nonya fabric as the table cloth, and bamboo made furniture all set the simple but profound ambiance. To be frank, I'm not familiar with Nonya Culture, neither a fan of the hit local TV series Little Nyonya. But the place won my heart instantly with the relaxed environment (along a slew of university institutes and embedded in a quiet building with forest on one side and man made waterfall on the other side), the friendly staff, and the Nonya cultural display! I even wiki-ed a little to find out more about Nonya culture.
Food is nice, and very reasonably priced. Highly recommended!
Sabestain has grown quite a lot since the last time I saw him at Yin's birthday party in Jan. He is such a good baby who puts a wide smile readily! Both Mum and Grandma testified that he is a very contented little lad! Izzie on the other hand has a little more smile and interacted with Han Jin and Mei Mei well.
很喜欢这里,强力推荐: Nonya Cafe named Chilli Padi at 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace #06-21
It turned out to be a place I liked very much, better than any other posher place I have been to. It is a Nonya Cafe named Chilli Padi at 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace #06-21, somewhere in NUS near Bukit Panjang Road. The setting is nice and simple with many cultural display, such as the Nonya costume, fine china, tea set and of course with the traditional Nonya fabric as the table cloth, and bamboo made furniture all set the simple but profound ambiance. To be frank, I'm not familiar with Nonya Culture, neither a fan of the hit local TV series Little Nyonya. But the place won my heart instantly with the relaxed environment (along a slew of university institutes and embedded in a quiet building with forest on one side and man made waterfall on the other side), the friendly staff, and the Nonya cultural display! I even wiki-ed a little to find out more about Nonya culture.
Food is nice, and very reasonably priced. Highly recommended!
Sabestain has grown quite a lot since the last time I saw him at Yin's birthday party in Jan. He is such a good baby who puts a wide smile readily! Both Mum and Grandma testified that he is a very contented little lad! Izzie on the other hand has a little more smile and interacted with Han Jin and Mei Mei well.
很喜欢这里,强力推荐: Nonya Cafe named Chilli Padi at 29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace #06-21

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