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Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 year end review 年终总结

1. 前九个月迷上了写日志 - 写了100 多篇
2. 后三个月迷上了穿越剧 - 看了30多篇小说,热情在持续,上来冒个泡,我还健在
3. 明天要搬家 - 为了孩子上学近,有优先权,有可能进好的小学
4. 刚刚升职 - vice president 算作高级经理,实在是幸运,年初感叹鱼与熊掌的时候是放弃了的
5. 合家幸福


No entries for past few months, I was deeply addicted to time passing novels, travelling back in times into ancient China in different dynasties, read more than 30 books in last 3 months, and the passion is not dying down.

A review for 2011:

1. A very fulfilling year for me, as I indeed had the balance between work and life;
2. Life wise, my lovely family stayed together happily. Kids growing fast, and hubby and I grew older and closer day by day;
3. Life wise, I had lots of 'me' time, though in sacrifice of sleeping time. But these are the times keeping me sane and feeding the child in me. I was in love with blog writing for earlier part of the year, and new passion is the online time travelling novels.
4. work wise, I got the promotion that I didn't place high hope on. Well, I did perform, but I'm part time, I quit and re-joined. A big thanks to my manager who valued my contribution.
5. with the promotion, comes a sense of insecurity..... redundancy comes as a top-down approach...
6. We are shifting tomorrow to a place nearer to a desired primary school - hope it is a move worthwhile...

Happy New Year!