~~~~~~Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers ~~Lilypie Second Birthday tickers~~~~~~

Friday, March 16, 2012

Swimming class 游泳课


Han Jin started swimming about 3 or 4 months ago. Till date, he can blow nose bubbles under the water and swim with a board. A remarkable improvement for someone who has water-phobia. Keep it up!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Soccer Field 足球场

The family went to the Pandan Reservoir on Sun morning only to find out there is the tree around the reservoir and it was too hot to brave through. We then went to the soccer field at NUS. Luckily, at this stage, the kids are excited wherever they go, and they can make any place a new adventure.

I wonder when will be the day that they will refuse to go the places that they don't want to go. Han Jin mumbles boring at times when he wants to play games. I hope they will not find family outings boring any time soon. Hubby always says how nice it would be if the kids stay young, and we don't get old.. :) not possible. Looking at the cute buddies now, I can't imagine them being rebellious at teenagers, coming home drunk at late night, shutting the door behind them, and demanding me to leave them alone..... I hope not. I hope to be their friends forever. any if they allows, their best friends forever.

Very nice open green at the NUS soccer field. I sat under the tree taking shots for the boys.

Han Jin enjoys outdoor, being sweaty and Daddy loves play with the boy.

Mei Mei is still now well yet, and shuns from the lens and the only person who can make her laugh is Han Jin. Han Jin carries her, Han Jin hugs her, and Han Jin sayangs her on the way home.

拜天早上去户外走走,在足球场踢踢球,吹吹风。老公常常说,要是孩子们不长大,我们不变老有多好。我轻轻嗤之以鼻,宝贝们会长大,也许会有叛逆期,会和朋友们喝酒喝醉回来,关上房门让我不要理他她...... 只希望,我可以永远是他们的朋友,会倾听,不评论。


Sick 'boy' 生病的‘小男孩’

Mei has been sick for about a week till now. Not really serious but has running nose and coughs; her voice is hoarse; her hair is always wet; her limbs are always cold.

Moreover, the sweet little princess is gone. Here comes an awkward little 'boy'. Looking at you with a pair of skeptical eyes, she asks to address in Han Jin's cloth and declares that she is a boy.

She refused to see doctor, and I have to lie that we are going to the doctor to see my rashes. Even in the consultation room, she denied that she was the patient. I was very cooperative and reassuring her it's not her. Then I was educated by the doctor that I should not lie to her, so that not to lose control and trust. True, very true. These days, I'm at the short end as a parent, and I need to tight the control and be more strict.... after a few days, she turns to the helper for consolation, and I lost my privilege of being the only person who can shower her........ tough for me, but I have to be a litter tougher towards her. maybe?



Friday, March 2, 2012

Air Show 2012 航空展

Air Show 2012 on 19 Feb, slogan: Aisa's Biggest for Aviation's Finest.

Han Jin: Happy to watch the show and braved through the deafening noise, but not interested in the specifications or scientific display of the aviation technology.

Han Yue: completely put off by the noise and heat. What she enjoyed: painted a pink love box in an air-conditioned function room during the entire show at $12.

Daddy and Jia Cheng: probably enjoyed for guys. But we might have left too early (1pm?) otherwise Jia Cheng probably can have a better look of the aeroplane on display.

Me: more than half of the show were spent with Mei in the function room, quiet and cooling, but missed the show. Caught a few minutes at the beginning which is really impressive with the aircraft turns, dips, roars and spins.... amazing. Wouldn't the pilot be giddy after all these?

Next show: Feb 2014. Kids might be able to appreciate more by then.

