~~~~~~Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers ~~Lilypie Second Birthday tickers~~~~~~

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Investment 我的圣诞节

26/12/2009 10:53:36 PM
To make my limited money works harder for me, I am starting to get into the practical side of the investment world. So far, I have not utilised my textbook knowledged. The Relations Manager at the bank I spoke to, was surprised to find out that I am a qualified CFA and ACCA, as if I should be at the other end of the table. But the fact is, I am really a newbie to investing my own money.
So today, I got 10% of my investable asssets into 6 unit trusts weighted heavily in Emerging Markets and balanced by a global bond fund, with a slight portion in commodities to pick up the yield. Yesterday, we bought the first car after I passed my driving test 2 days ago (while, it is expense rather than investment). Last night, I logged into my on-line trading accounts for the first time to trade some Singapore blue chips, but forgot my trading password and kept trying until my password was suspended. This afternoon, I called my friend at home to chat about investing property in Xi'An. I switched on the computer now aiming to search for property in Xi'an, but got diverted by a friend's blog, who is a supermum lived nearby and gave me a hand-made earpiece as the Christmas gift. I am scratching hard on my  head to think of some gifts for her... I can't do anything made by myself, not saying that I do not have the interest or skills, but just no mood and time now. I am all into investment this holiday season... my Christmas is not white or silver, but goldish.. :)))
这个圣诞节让我暖暖的,是两个unexpected 圣诞礼物。是附近的两个妈妈给的,一个是自己手工制作的耳环,晶莹剔透的草黄绿色的珠子;一个是Maybeline 的腮红,可以在我的颊上画出浅粉色的害羞。是妈妈们在提醒我多在意自己了吗?我的时间全部给了工作(间接的是为了家庭收入)和家人,之前爱臭美的我好像已经不在了。我可以绝对素颜地出门,no makeups, no accessories, no high heels... 虽然我也爱这样的自己,可是还是要考虑到别人的感受呀,特别是 the Supportive Spouse. 不可以变成黄脸婆呀Wink


ping hu - 27/12/2009 2:33:52 PM
http://www.tankinlian.blogspot.com/ read this blog before u make any investment in SG. btw, show me yr car? ^(oo)^

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A day in SPA 瓷器

31/10/2009 11:26:25 PM
Last Friday, my Supportive Spouse and I spent the morning in town, at a SPA. The hydrobath warmed up the body and mind, shining starlets on the ceiling with changing colors (I should install something similar for Han Jin). Light music and moderate touch by the maussuer relaxes the tightness from busy life. Love rekindles.
It is generally harder to maintain a romantic relationship after the arrival of the 'bundle of joy' and 'joys', and the helping hands from extended family and domestic helper.
To be continued, my cough almost wakes up my daughter.

1st day at work 长假之后

31/10/2009 11:05:12 PM
Coughing, sneezing, running nose... my reaction to returning to work after 4 months well spent at home with my two little ones.  I have chosen an easier life by going into part-time 9am to 4pm, which is not a cheap decision, both in terms of money and career prospects. And I was smart enough to start with a short week, returning on a Friday. However, my body still cried out the violent rejection of work.. maybe the airconditioning at work place??
Leaving behind my tender baby, actually I was able to concentrate on my work and be fully obsorbed once I stepped into the office. It was only so hard to leave home, seeing her innocent smiles, not realising that mummy is leaving for the whole day. It was only so pressing to go back, cannot bear any delay in the commute after I knocked off. I logged off my PC at 4.15pm, waved goodbye to my colleagues, standed up and murmured to myself 'If I couldn't go off on time for the first day, I wouldn't be able to do it in any of the days to come. I must stick to my gun' . It is damn early for anyone working in the building. I still see daylight on the way, rarely in my worklife in finance.
I hope I can get well before the long week starts. :) I will adjust well, being a wonderful mum and maintain my work quality.
四个月的产假就这样结束了。我发现我原来是有做housewife的素质的。只是情况不允许。据说opportunity cost太高。我的两个宝贝已在酣睡,我拖着鼻涕在享受一个人的清静。莫扎特的音乐是放给月儿听的,俗俗的妈妈也跟着欣赏一下Tongue out

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To Han Yue 写给瀚月

21/10/2009 12:57:22 AM
I have finally finished uploading the life to date photos from our marriage till our second child. It however made me aware that there were so much photo abt Han Jin, who had our undivided attention for nearly 3 yrs, but there were lesser pictures abt our Han Yue. I have been thinking of writing a note dedicated to Han Yue, letting you know that Mummy loves you not a cent lesser than the brother. You are my precious little girl who had called up my endless love and tenderness. You will grow up one day whereby I might see traces of myself, and I'd like to be your best friend who shares your growing joy and worries. My dear Yue Yue, I love you!
你知道么,你给了妈妈新的体验,从医生阿姨把你放在妈妈肚子上的那一刻,小小的,有些紫青的你就牵动了我的心,你的纤弱和乖乖(sofar very good girl,touch wood),真的让母爱流溢。你是知道妈妈前几个礼拜是有那样强烈的念头要辞掉工作,回来看你成长中的一颦一笑,扑捉你第一次的笑,哭,痛,抬头,翻身,坐起......虽然基于各方面的考量,妈妈只好折中去做part time......

Friday, October 16, 2009

Han Jin's coming birthday

15/10/2009 5:15:40 PM
These few days I am busy preparing for Han Jin's 3rd Birthday party, both for his friends in the neighbourhood and at the school. There are a lot of things to buy as I wanted it to be very personalised, and the gifts to his little friends suit each of them.. a lot of joy.
Something heartwarming for me: I bought some VCD from China titled xi yang yang (喜羊羊与灰太郎), a very popular kids cartoon in China whereby my younger niece liked a lot. The storyline is about a wolf who is always beaten up by the wife for not able to catch the sheep. Here is the conversation that my Han Jin (瀚今) started:
HJ: 喜羊羊为什么没有老婆?(why xi yang yang doesn't have a wife?)
Mum: 喜羊羊还小,还没有结婚。小孩子不能结婚。(he's too young, not married yet. kids can't get married)
HJ: (。。思考中。。)我还小,还没有结婚。我长大了才结婚。(I'm still young and not married. I will get married when I grow up)
The Mum a bit surprised and feel that there is a chance to know more: 那你要和谁结婚呀?(there is a girl in his class he always talk about... for his privacy, I wouldn't reveal the girl's name..:)
HJ: 妈妈!
The Mum is so flattered (blush..:): 但是妈妈已经结婚了,妈妈嫁给爸爸了。才生下了你。(but mummy is married to Dad, and have you as our baby)
HJ: 不可以,妈妈要等我长大。。 (No. mummy must wait for me to grow up!)
Mummy kissed and hugged HJ with no more words.. maybe I should have explained more to him abt marriage. But my heart was so soft at the time and speechless.. always felt that there were no proper proposal from the Dad.. :) but my darling son has made it up.
From all the parental books, it is actually very common for kids to image their parents as their other half at early age. Nevertheless, it is so heartwarming when you experience it first hand.. :)
Ok. My daughter is waking up.. Got to go.