~~~~~~Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers ~~Lilypie Second Birthday tickers~~~~~~

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday 周六


- 在楼下的社区菜园里看毛毛虫和浇花;
- 送哥哥去英文课,爸爸逗妹妹开心;
- 课后在附近的游乐场玩;
- 妈妈去了瑜伽课;
- 妹妹在楼下碰到新朋友;
- 哥哥爸爸去Yamaha,妹妹妈妈去社区活动。



Our ordinary weekend, filled with family activities. No highlight, but filled with happiness. Worth mentioning is Mei's reaction to babies. She simply doesn't like them. After visiting Zi Zhou at his full month, she kept mentioning that she doesn't want babies. When I commented how cute Zi Zhou was this morning, she insisted that she's much cuter than baby. See, my girl doesn't want number 3.

Friday, July 29, 2011










Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Drawing - Majulah Singapura

What HJ did tonight (with a little help from me to draw the outer side of the crescent), one of the days in a week that he has some free time at night. 学校的老师要孩子们画国旗。


When it comes to pre-school education, when enough is enough?

On one hand, I would say I simply have a double H (Health and Happiness) expectation for my kids. I'd love to say that I didn't impose anything academic upon my kids. I'd love to say that I only want my kids to enjoy their childhood, and I do recognise there are some truth in the following:
- social skills is more important than technical skills;
- street smart is equally important as academically smart;
- confidence is no less than important than knowledge;
- list goes on....

But being in this competitive society, surrounded by super-kids in the neighbourhood, driven by the education system, exerting pressure to other parents, and being pressurized by others, we have enrolled Han Jin for quite a number of classes... Mei still has her precious childhood... at the moment..

Look at a typical week for Han Jin:
- Monday and Thursday: Full Day childcare from 8:30am to 5:30pm. Walk to Kumon center at 6pm and stays till 7pm. Another one quarter Kumon on Thursday night (to make up for Firday evening English class);
- Tuesday: Full Day childcare from 8:30am to 6pm. Travel time to home half an hour, meal time one hour, rest half an hour. Kumon exercise at home from 8pm to 9pm.
- Wed: Full Day childcare from 8:30am to 6:30pm including an additional arts class at the school. Travel time to home half an hour, meal time one hour. Kumon exercise at home from 8pm to 9pm.
- Fri: Full Day childcare from 8:30am to 5:30pm. Travel time to home half an hour, meal time one hour. Kumon 15 mins. Set off to LCentral at 7:30pm to 9pm.
- Sat: Literacy Plus from 9am to 10:30am. Kumon at home from 11am to 12noon. Lunch, nap. Yamaha class from 5pm to 6pm. Finish up Kumon for Fri and Sat at night.

I try to keep Sun clean, dedicated to outdoor play and indoor rest.

My poor boy, not even 5 years yet. Daddy is of the view that anything does not destroy you makes you strong... I just pity my little boy. How can I cut back? I reduced the Kumon worksheet to half a set a day, ignoring Daddy who insisted of full set; I help him to write sometimes....

I don't need my kids to be exceptional. The number I love the most from a scale of one to ten, is eight. Not because it is auspicious, but that is the level of achievement I set for myself, and I hope for my kids.

I just want them to be Happy and Healthy.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Football Fervor 足球热不退



Football fervor continued. I brought the kids to botanic garden this morning. Other than feeding the fish, pigeon and turtle, Han Jin's favorite is to kick the ball.

In the afternoon, the whole family went to NUS, to experience the real size soccer field. Good workout for all! Daddy must be missing the soccer days, sitting at the edge watching the youngsters play soccer... for a long long time...:)

Formula One F1方程式赛车

2011 Formula One Singapore station, on 23 to 25 Sep, sponsored by Sing Tel.

I'm not a fan. only know one or two racer. Happened to see the SingTel roadshow at Plaza Sing on Sat, and fascinated by the racing machine, both kids. Mei happily sat on the podium, Han Jin tried the remote racing car, and I was impressed by the two racing cars in display and in test drive. Only for preregistered customer to test drive... I wouldn't mind if it was open for public.... a life experience in a racing car....

方程式赛车,2011,新加坡赛站九月23到25. 我不是赛车迷,只是碰巧看到,真的流线的美和速度的美。

Racial Harmony Day 种族和谐日

I took two days off on Thurs and Fri, just to utilise the leave balance. I didn't travel outside 1km radius from my home in the 2.5 days (Wed afternoon off as well).

So, a recollection of what I did in 2.5 days.

- slept late every day, watching with a hawk's eye on the P1 2B registration, analyse the results, and be discouraged.

- though slept late every day, didn't update the blog at all. Watched Australia, starring Nicole Kidman, one of the prettiest actress.

- 21 Jul was Racial Harmony Day in Singapore, so I made a few trips to the supermarket on Wed afternoon, and finally decided to cook sweet dumpling made of glutinous rice, for HJ to bring to the school. The school had a potluck of different cultural food and kids dressed in racial costume. Parents are not invited.

- bought Straits Time and Zao Bao, and happen to read articles about the riot in Shinjang (XingJiang). Some rioters broke into a local police station and held officers and civilians in hostage. Government sent security personnel to the scene to rescue the hostage and 4 lives lost during the attack, including one police office and one security guard. Racial Harmony. Hope my country handle the unrest well, and we progress to a truly united nation.

- brought Mei to the library by bus, and enjoyed aircon, books, and.... fries. Mei loved it... ah, just once in a while, ok. I'm not feeding her junk food all the time. Think of the accusation on Cecilia feeding her kids junk food... I am a doting mum, right? I do feed my kids junk food at times. so what?

- met a new friend in the neighbourhood for lunch at Sushi Tei at holland village. An enjoyable two hours with no kids. Good to catch up with girl friend, and I signed up a Yoga class at the CC starting next week, in the same class with her. :)

- fetched Han Jin from school on one of the days, picked him up from Kumon on another day. He started subtraction... a little difficult. Sent and picked him up from LCentral. He enjoyed the class.

- attended the RC meeting on Thurs and got one ticket to NDP show... but just one, how can I get another ticket, so that at least I can bring Han Jin along...

- on Sat. Sent Han Jin to Literacy plus, and brought both of them to the swimming pool, by myself. Daddy is busy with quarterly announcement (hopefully price will move, finger crossed), and helper need to cook. I managed brought back two unhurt happy tots. But mei started sneeze this morning and mucus flows... Helper said that it was because I brought them to the swimming pool in a hot weather?

- played with Mei at the community garden while chatted with Mr Yip, and had some fresh organic mustard.

See, all within 1 km. My lovely sweet home is so conveniently located! How can I find another place of such convenient location, but within 1 km of a good school!


- 天天晚睡,不停的看小一报名的情况;
- 天天晚睡,却没有写日志,看了妮可*肯德曼主演的‘澳大利亚’,美女加美景;
- 21号是新加坡的种族和谐日,瀚今学校要求穿民族服装和带种族餐点。想了很久,决定带汤圆。。。因为很简单,前一天买了,试着煮了,交代保姆第二天清早煮50个汤圆。。。是煮了,汤倒掉了。。。只剩下没有汤的圆,闭着眼睛送去了,,,应该是没人吃的。。。
- 天天买报纸看,碰巧看到新疆有人袭击派出所的文章。种族和谐呀!希望祖国真的可以做到;
- 带妹妹去图书馆,吃薯条。张柏芝被人讲喂孩子吃垃圾食品。。。在所难免的,有错吗?又不是天天吃;哦,在图书馆发现了我当年最爱看的‘新周刊’,不亦乐乎!
- 和新认识的朋友吃寿司,聊天两个小时,享受个人时空。还报了社区的瑜伽课,和她一起:)
- 接瀚今放学,去Kumon,开始做减法了。去LCentral。。。
- 去居委会开会,拿到国庆庆典的票,只有一张。。。
- 爸爸在忙季度报表,我带两个孩子去游泳。。。妹妹今天有点伤风,保姆说是因为我带他们去游泳。。。
- 和妹妹在楼下的社区菜园玩,友善的Mr Yip给我们讲很多不同的蔬菜的名称。


Regression 退化

Mei Mei

From the last school update, it has been a breeze for HY to attend the school. She happily sends us off, and stomps off to her school, sometimes, she even doesn't want to send us to the carpark but to stay within the vicinity of the school... all good until last week. She had loose bowel motion, and I kept her in the school for two days. She then refused to go to the school on Monday.

In fact, I didn't know that my helper has sent her to school on Mon and Tue. I didn't implicitly tell her to send Mei to school, while I have explicitly told Mei that she can stay at home since she is still unwell. My helper, decided for her.. not sure whether it is for her convenience or misunderstand my message.

Anyway, coming Wed, I was working from home and Mei was all good. So I decided to send her to school, but she wails and wails. I brought her to Renae's place, hoping that she would like to go to school together with Renae. She was happy to take shower together with Renae (I love them two little buddies showering together, thanks, Jolin), but started cry when the time comes for school. Dropped her there, peeped a few times in between, she seemed to be fine after a while.

Thursday and Friday, it continued. She cried for an average of 8 mins while inside the school. Then she's alright.

I asked her what happened in school, (bullying kids, scolding teacher etc). She said no.

Maybe it is just a phase, and kids do regress.


Han Jin

Han Jin was off the bottle for quite a number of years. He was put on bottle again recently, which he apparently enjoys... forced regression.

Reason: oh, he drinks from bottle much faster than from cup. So we can trick him drinking more milk.. :) We used milk bottle for night water feed as well, so that the water bottle can be dried and washed overnight...



Oral Hygiene 口腔卫生

Bad Oral Hygiene:
- me: I do not brush teeth before putting HJ into sleep, in the hope that I can sneak out the room after he falls asleep. It fails a lot of time...
- Han Jin: He brushes his teeth twice a day. I didn't bother to check.
- Han Yue: oh, girl. She has her tooth brush and pricey tooth paste, used as a toy...
- Daddy: the brush has probably been used for more than a year.

After the dental visit last week, things changed.
- me: brush teeth before putting HJ into sleep. still try to keep awake while playing dead.
- Han Jin: I check and brush a second time for him.
- Han Yue: I brushed for her, and she's very cooperative. Hope it continues after the novelty wears off.
- Family: changed tooth brushes for all.

hehe... hope I remember and keep the good habits.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

P1 registration - update on phase 2B

18 Jul 2011

This year is a warm up exercise for us. I kept switching websites between Kiasu parents and MOE... terrifying truth about P1 registration, which is getting ever more intense year by year.

Schools that we had an eye for:
- Nanyang, Phase 2B vacancy is 28, 36 children registered on Day 1.
- Nan Hua, Phase 2B vacancy is 28, 36 children registered on Day 1.
- Henry Park, Phase 2B vacancy is 28, 18 children registered on Day 1.. phew...
- Fairfield, Phase 2B vacancy is 47, 47 children registered on Day 1.

Seems Henry Park has a better chance to get in. Good luck to Cheng Lin and hopefully no bollating is required for family staying within 2km.

Next year, when it is the turn for Han Jin,
- it can only get more competitive,
- the GRC re-drawn has impacted me significantly...
- red-hot property market wiped out the option to buy a property nearby the desired school...

Stressful moment for parents....

19 Jul 2011

- Nanyang, Phase 2B vacancy is 28, 45 children registered.
- Nan Hua, Phase 2B vacancy is 28, 38 children registered.
- Henry Park, Phase 2B vacancy is 29, 30 children registered.
- Fairfield, Phase 2B vacancy is 47, 67 children registered.

22 Jul 2011

- Nanyang, Phase 2B balloting required for children stay within 1 km.
- Nan Hua, Phase 2B balloting required for children stay within 1 to 2 km.
- Henry Park, Phase 2B balloting required for children stay outside of 2km.
- Fairfield, Phase 2B balloting required for children stay outside of 2km.

Just noted from the Kumon teacher that there is a difference in whether the school has affiliation. A more reputable secondary school might be more important than a reputable primary school. Then, there could be IP for certain secondary schools into JC. oh... P1 registration is just the start of the stress....


Monday, July 18, 2011

Soccer Fervor 足球热

Daddy is cultivating Han Jin's love for soccer, and it is definitely a welcomed move from my perspective. I always wanted my boy to be tougher and more sporty!

The playground downstairs turned into a soccer field every night. Well, most of the night provided Han Jin could finish the half set Kumon maths worksheet, and some of the late afternoons over weekend. They played with neighbourhood kids ranged from 7 years to 14 years old. Han Jin made quite a number of big friends.

I am surprised that Daddy has some soccer skills and at least able to bypass the youngsters with no much effort. Daddy always pair up with Han Jin in one team, against two other boys, or at times, the teams can be as big as 4 men team on each side.

Mei disallows me to participate. So, I watch, and kick occasionally when the ball is near.

Good workout!


Other matters:

* dental care. 洗牙的经历,牙医好像也是不错的职业:)

I went to the dentist on Sat. Booked appointment for three of us (Daddy, HJ and I), but the boys missed it. To distract myself during the process, I thought about Dentist as a profession. Sounds a good one: don't have to be on emergency call, helps people in pain, no communicable diseases......

* toilet trained. 妹妹出门也不用尿布了!

Mei had outings with no diaper on. Hurray! Finger crossed, hope this marks the dry days for my little princess.

* whisky. 第一次试威士忌,有点奇怪。。。

I tried Johnnie Walker Double Black which I bought at the duty free airport shop, first timer for whisky . umm... added water... maybe too much diluted and it doesn't really taste. Need to search how to drink whisky.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Road to independence

While Mei gets a lot of attention nowadays, as she is louder and younger, Han Jin stays the sweet boy who softens my heart after a day's chaos.
  • He is most willing to help, wherever I ask 'Can you help mummy xxxx?' Being it getting a piece of tissue so that I can wipe the spill, or help me to hold mei's hand at the playground.
  • Recently, at the NTUC Fairprice checkout, I was told by the cashier that it was 6 apples for $3, instead of 5. I asked Han Jin to fetch me another apple from the fruit section, by himself. This is probably the first time that I allowed Han Jin to be out of my sight. He came back with a huge grin, hiding the apple in between his small hands. 'Mummy, guess what's in my hands?'
  • He started an English enrichment class, and pulled me to a corner after the first class. 'Mummy, I tell you something. Just now I went to the toilet, and after my pee, I flushed the toilet. The water is blue!' with concealed excitement.
  • His school is organising a Taiwan trip in early Dec. I couldn't go as it is during month end closing period. 'Mummy, I will take the bullet train, visit the 101 building, eat lots of nice food, take the aeroplane, and stay in a Hotel in Taiwan!' 'Ok. Mummy couldn't go with you.' 'I will not go if Mummy is not going, I will miss you so much!' 'Would you be sad if you don't go?' 'I will be a little bit sad, but I will be very happy to be with you.'
  • At the community center, while I was talking to the Kumon teacher, he stated that he was urgent and run to the toilet at the other end by himself. He later told me that he peed on a triangle? Is that a urinal?
He is capably of doing many things solo nowadays, though I still have butterflies in my stomach whenever he is out of my watch.

On the Taiwan trip, yes, he's going.... with daddy... sob....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weekend 艺洲 & 体操


--- 为了张柏芝,她的经典对白,却也只能是在热恋中的女生才可以这样任性得可爱。5年之后,还有这样的要求,只会被人当做了要丢掉的包袱。所以,从任何时候开始,一定要对自己好;要宠自己,不能骗自己;开心的时候,尽情珍惜;不开心的时候,要哄自己开心。

Before I start my diary, this is a paragraph about a HK celebrity couple who made the news headline every day in past month, Cecilia and Nicolas. I side her, as I believe that women in marriage is more vulnerable. Especially, with the kids, I don't think she voluntarily wants a divorce. All the best, Cecilia.

Alright, our weekend filled with gatherings. On Sat, Han Jin had a few enrichment classes to attend, and we were late at Yi Zhou's double full month celebration. Everything was great, from the food, drinks, cake, wine, to friends, chatting, kids entertainment. I was busy eating / chatting, hence, no much photos. :)

On Sun, we met up Chen Ni and Ping's family for a trial class at Asian Gymnastic Academy at Horsecity. My first time to the old turf club, and delightfully surprised by the rows of houses with different activities, and most of which are family friendly or healthy lifestyle related, creating an overall relaxing atmosphere somehow resembles that of the Holland Village, but more of a family hub, than a hanging out spot. Han Jin had his 3 rounds pony ride. Mei liked the swing chair and rabbit.

I wasn't overly impressed by the Gym though. The set up is catered for all age group I think. Worth mentioning that Mei particpated for the programme together with her gang which was meant for 3 to 6 years old. She was quite clueless and required a lot instructor direction and help, but she managed flow along until about 30 minutes later this male instructor put her on a ring swing and just pushed her off. That was the breaking point, maybe she has been tolerating it. Maybe I should have taken her out of the lead earlier. But anyway, some early life experience for Mei. For Han Jin, probably just pieces of cakes, and another outing time with friends.


Monday, July 4, 2011

Birthday 家有小女

Today is the actual day of Mei's birthday. We started celebration since last Sat, but did nothing special today itself. Happy Birthday! Sweety!

This is a picture of my girl taken yesterday, at the playground, in the most innocent look, before transforming into a tomboy climbing up and down the slides. How cute!

Are all mums adore their girls the way I do? I just can't refuse any of her requests, meanwhile, I am fully aware that it might not be good for her development.

There will be a time for discipline, especially, now she formally enters Terrible Two. The little dragon is raising her head. But for now, just let me indulge in these sweet moments.







Some photos of Mei since birth:

Han Yue from birth to 1st month. Milestone:  She was trying her best to look the cutest, so that mummy and daddy will love her the most. 瀚月从出生到一个月:每天都在变化。可爱的小手小脚。

瀚月两个月,更多的表情,眼神更有内容。Han Yue at two months. Han Jin went through some regression that he was the baby, and needed bottles.

 Han Yue at 3 month, a bigger baby who can join family outings, Ge Ge's ice cream definitely looked more appealing than the camera. She tried swim indoor in a friend's place. 三个月的瀚月可以和家人一起外出用餐了,哥哥的冰激淋好像很好吃,在胡平家游泳初体验。 

四个月手舞足蹈,爱吃手指,可以有支持的坐着了,哦,妈妈,要摔倒了!At 4th month, Han Yue was much more active, kicking all the time, thumb sucking all the time, and sitting with support.. O.. She had her 1st shave at 100 days.

100天剃了头发后,常常戴可爱的小帽子。可以趴在床上90度抬头了,眼里充满了好奇。After the shaving, wearing different bonnet, she's able to lift up the head 90 degree from the horizontal bed platform, always curious.

At 6th months, she pulled up her feet for a taste, sat on the bed unassisted, tumbled down sometimes, and gained her baby fat. Still no sign of teeth. 六个月的妹妹可以不用支持地坐着,抓脚来吃,开始壮壮,还是没牙。

七个月可以坐得很稳,很自如自己坐起来,第一次下水游泳?应该不是第一次,只是第一次有游泳的照片。会和妈妈撒娇了。7th months, pulled to sitting position effortlessly all by herself, swam in a swimming pool and knew how to melt mummy's heart.

八个月到新年了,穿着喜庆的旗袍,毫不掩饰地开心,开始爬了,可是还是不出牙。Around 8th months, she celebrated her first Chinese New Year, and started crawling around.

Fast forward for some pics from 9th to 11th months, her teething started at a ripe old age of 11 months, which was good that I didn't have to worry about baby bites when nursing. I enjoyed the quiet special moment of breastfeeding very much, and would have continued much longer beyond 11 months, if not because of the China trip to visit my ill mum. I brought Han Jin to see my mum when Mei was about 11 months, since I guessed my mum would miss Han Jin a lot, for whom, she had taken care of for a full 24 months. The trip has, however, changed the pattern between me and my two kids. Han Jin used to sleep with the helper after Mei's conception, but he glued to me after the trip. At 3.5 years, he knew better how to express his needs than the then 11 months Mei. The first night we were back, I dumped Han Jin to the helper, and got Mei into my arm. She was confused with the nipple. The second night, she's getting used to direct feed, but Han Jin cried his heart out. I retreated, also recognising that I probably didn't spend enough time with Han Jin, causing the apparent deprivation symptoms. From that day onwards, Han Jin sleeps with us, and Mei sleeps with the helper. She wasn't able to tell the difference then, but she sure demands more of mummy now....


一岁了!期间开始学步,到独立蹒跚,也开始呀呀学语。只是家人的生日庆祝。1st Birthday celebrated at home with family. Milestone: started walking at one... probably started babbling words around the same time.

13 到14 个月,两颗牙,独立行走,逐渐有今天的模样。13 to 14 months, walking confidently, 2nd tooth sprouted, becoming a toddler.

15 to 16 months, outing trips to Jurong Bird Park and any other places, Mei is an integral part of the outing. Milo, 2nd kid started junk food a lot earlier than the first. 15到16个月,出门是少不了妹妹的,喝美禄,第二个孩子早早就开始吃不健康的饮食了,妈妈心有余力不足呀。。。

17,8个月的时候,我们的经典造型是两个小辫子,或者美美的发带,已经有点小臭美,会选外出的衣服了。At 17 to 18 months, the typical outfit included a dress of her choice, two blaits or a hair band of her choice. She knew how to match and dress up, at a relatively early age, relative to the mum, who wasn't aware of her appearance until late teens.

Around 20 months, usually strong Mei  had her stay in the hospital and the trauma. Tried different outfit during her 2nd Chinese New Year. Had many trial classes. 20 到21个月左右,妹妹经历了苦难的一个礼拜住院the trauma,度过了第二个春节different outfit,上了些不同的课。。。

Around 21 to 22 months, she started regular playgroup class, while mummy experienced some serious separation anxiety and doubts over the school, which actually turned out perfectly fine. She had her first wine, first movie to start off a lifestyle.  21 到22个月,妹妹开始上豆豆班,妈妈很有些不适应,倒是妹妹适应地比较好。。。

23 到24个月,哥哥妹妹的互动越来越好,爱玩水的妹妹,我们一家人回池州。Between 23 to 24 months, Mei Mei grew gradually into a little lady, more composed, more self aware, and more independent. My lovely little angel.


Sentosa again 又是圣淘沙

Daddy's half yearly management meeting again, and The Beaufort Hotel at Sentosa again. Not really enthusiastic as the last time, I brought Han Jin there on Friday night after his trial class at LCentral. HJ had a good splashing time at the huge bathtub, and I felt asleep after half a can of beer. Mei Mei joined us the next morning. From 9am till 2pm, we managed to play at the pool, play sands and water at Palawan Beach, visit the Underwater World and watch the dolphin + sea lion show.

So a little rash at each station, and the fact having to come home on time to have a nap then to Yamaha class puts a pressure on time schedule. It is more of an outing than a trip. I loved the experience the other time more, more at leisure. Anyway, I think the kids enjoyed it. Han Jin is happy with all the activities, and Han Yue is happy with my cuddling and carrying all the way. My little girl is indeed mummy's girl at the moment... I hope we stay intimate all along. I hope there would not be a time that she turned away, came home late and shut the door. I wasn't rebellious in my teen years, and I hope my girl wouldn't.

Daddy just said today that I love the girl more than the boy. I'd say there is no favoritism. I cuddle Mei more, kiss her more, as she is a cuddly little bud, and I couldn't spend time at her bedtime. For Han Jin, I always have the bedtime routine and the bonding time before he falls asleep. And I meant to raise up a tough boy, and a sweet girl...?

- 瀚今在大浴缸里玩水;
- 看到处任意行走的孔雀;
- 在酒店的游泳池涉水;
- 在海边玩水玩沙;
- 游海底世界;
- 看粉红色海豚和可爱海狮表演。

Friday, July 1, 2011

Party Again + Exercise 学校庆祝生日


Another ancillary benefit as a grassroot leader, free badminton court every Tuesday. Of course, this is not the reason that I join the grassroot. There are a lot of intangible benefits, i.e the satisfaction from working for free...

We had another celebration of Mei's birthday at her playgroup downstairs. Mei is such a well-behaved tot at school, she doesn't even stick to me at school. This is rare nowadays, she now goes into the Terrible Two phase and knows very well that she is at an upper hand to manipulate me.... Anyway, we should praise and appreciate our kids, especially during her birthday period.. Teacher told me that she was doing very well in school for her age (she is one year younger) in the ways that she participates, socialises and she has good commands of vocabulary and able to express herself well, follows instruction well... etc, except for writing and coloring, the fine motor skills is not there yet... due to her young age.

Here is a video of all the well-behaved children singing the birthday song...
