~~~~~~Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers ~~Lilypie Second Birthday tickers~~~~~~

Monday, July 4, 2011

Birthday 家有小女

Today is the actual day of Mei's birthday. We started celebration since last Sat, but did nothing special today itself. Happy Birthday! Sweety!

This is a picture of my girl taken yesterday, at the playground, in the most innocent look, before transforming into a tomboy climbing up and down the slides. How cute!

Are all mums adore their girls the way I do? I just can't refuse any of her requests, meanwhile, I am fully aware that it might not be good for her development.

There will be a time for discipline, especially, now she formally enters Terrible Two. The little dragon is raising her head. But for now, just let me indulge in these sweet moments.







Some photos of Mei since birth:

Han Yue from birth to 1st month. Milestone:  She was trying her best to look the cutest, so that mummy and daddy will love her the most. 瀚月从出生到一个月:每天都在变化。可爱的小手小脚。

瀚月两个月,更多的表情,眼神更有内容。Han Yue at two months. Han Jin went through some regression that he was the baby, and needed bottles.

 Han Yue at 3 month, a bigger baby who can join family outings, Ge Ge's ice cream definitely looked more appealing than the camera. She tried swim indoor in a friend's place. 三个月的瀚月可以和家人一起外出用餐了,哥哥的冰激淋好像很好吃,在胡平家游泳初体验。 

四个月手舞足蹈,爱吃手指,可以有支持的坐着了,哦,妈妈,要摔倒了!At 4th month, Han Yue was much more active, kicking all the time, thumb sucking all the time, and sitting with support.. O.. She had her 1st shave at 100 days.

100天剃了头发后,常常戴可爱的小帽子。可以趴在床上90度抬头了,眼里充满了好奇。After the shaving, wearing different bonnet, she's able to lift up the head 90 degree from the horizontal bed platform, always curious.

At 6th months, she pulled up her feet for a taste, sat on the bed unassisted, tumbled down sometimes, and gained her baby fat. Still no sign of teeth. 六个月的妹妹可以不用支持地坐着,抓脚来吃,开始壮壮,还是没牙。

七个月可以坐得很稳,很自如自己坐起来,第一次下水游泳?应该不是第一次,只是第一次有游泳的照片。会和妈妈撒娇了。7th months, pulled to sitting position effortlessly all by herself, swam in a swimming pool and knew how to melt mummy's heart.

八个月到新年了,穿着喜庆的旗袍,毫不掩饰地开心,开始爬了,可是还是不出牙。Around 8th months, she celebrated her first Chinese New Year, and started crawling around.

Fast forward for some pics from 9th to 11th months, her teething started at a ripe old age of 11 months, which was good that I didn't have to worry about baby bites when nursing. I enjoyed the quiet special moment of breastfeeding very much, and would have continued much longer beyond 11 months, if not because of the China trip to visit my ill mum. I brought Han Jin to see my mum when Mei was about 11 months, since I guessed my mum would miss Han Jin a lot, for whom, she had taken care of for a full 24 months. The trip has, however, changed the pattern between me and my two kids. Han Jin used to sleep with the helper after Mei's conception, but he glued to me after the trip. At 3.5 years, he knew better how to express his needs than the then 11 months Mei. The first night we were back, I dumped Han Jin to the helper, and got Mei into my arm. She was confused with the nipple. The second night, she's getting used to direct feed, but Han Jin cried his heart out. I retreated, also recognising that I probably didn't spend enough time with Han Jin, causing the apparent deprivation symptoms. From that day onwards, Han Jin sleeps with us, and Mei sleeps with the helper. She wasn't able to tell the difference then, but she sure demands more of mummy now....


一岁了!期间开始学步,到独立蹒跚,也开始呀呀学语。只是家人的生日庆祝。1st Birthday celebrated at home with family. Milestone: started walking at one... probably started babbling words around the same time.

13 到14 个月,两颗牙,独立行走,逐渐有今天的模样。13 to 14 months, walking confidently, 2nd tooth sprouted, becoming a toddler.

15 to 16 months, outing trips to Jurong Bird Park and any other places, Mei is an integral part of the outing. Milo, 2nd kid started junk food a lot earlier than the first. 15到16个月,出门是少不了妹妹的,喝美禄,第二个孩子早早就开始吃不健康的饮食了,妈妈心有余力不足呀。。。

17,8个月的时候,我们的经典造型是两个小辫子,或者美美的发带,已经有点小臭美,会选外出的衣服了。At 17 to 18 months, the typical outfit included a dress of her choice, two blaits or a hair band of her choice. She knew how to match and dress up, at a relatively early age, relative to the mum, who wasn't aware of her appearance until late teens.

Around 20 months, usually strong Mei  had her stay in the hospital and the trauma. Tried different outfit during her 2nd Chinese New Year. Had many trial classes. 20 到21个月左右,妹妹经历了苦难的一个礼拜住院the trauma,度过了第二个春节different outfit,上了些不同的课。。。

Around 21 to 22 months, she started regular playgroup class, while mummy experienced some serious separation anxiety and doubts over the school, which actually turned out perfectly fine. She had her first wine, first movie to start off a lifestyle.  21 到22个月,妹妹开始上豆豆班,妈妈很有些不适应,倒是妹妹适应地比较好。。。

23 到24个月,哥哥妹妹的互动越来越好,爱玩水的妹妹,我们一家人回池州。Between 23 to 24 months, Mei Mei grew gradually into a little lady, more composed, more self aware, and more independent. My lovely little angel.


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