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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


When it comes to pre-school education, when enough is enough?

On one hand, I would say I simply have a double H (Health and Happiness) expectation for my kids. I'd love to say that I didn't impose anything academic upon my kids. I'd love to say that I only want my kids to enjoy their childhood, and I do recognise there are some truth in the following:
- social skills is more important than technical skills;
- street smart is equally important as academically smart;
- confidence is no less than important than knowledge;
- list goes on....

But being in this competitive society, surrounded by super-kids in the neighbourhood, driven by the education system, exerting pressure to other parents, and being pressurized by others, we have enrolled Han Jin for quite a number of classes... Mei still has her precious childhood... at the moment..

Look at a typical week for Han Jin:
- Monday and Thursday: Full Day childcare from 8:30am to 5:30pm. Walk to Kumon center at 6pm and stays till 7pm. Another one quarter Kumon on Thursday night (to make up for Firday evening English class);
- Tuesday: Full Day childcare from 8:30am to 6pm. Travel time to home half an hour, meal time one hour, rest half an hour. Kumon exercise at home from 8pm to 9pm.
- Wed: Full Day childcare from 8:30am to 6:30pm including an additional arts class at the school. Travel time to home half an hour, meal time one hour. Kumon exercise at home from 8pm to 9pm.
- Fri: Full Day childcare from 8:30am to 5:30pm. Travel time to home half an hour, meal time one hour. Kumon 15 mins. Set off to LCentral at 7:30pm to 9pm.
- Sat: Literacy Plus from 9am to 10:30am. Kumon at home from 11am to 12noon. Lunch, nap. Yamaha class from 5pm to 6pm. Finish up Kumon for Fri and Sat at night.

I try to keep Sun clean, dedicated to outdoor play and indoor rest.

My poor boy, not even 5 years yet. Daddy is of the view that anything does not destroy you makes you strong... I just pity my little boy. How can I cut back? I reduced the Kumon worksheet to half a set a day, ignoring Daddy who insisted of full set; I help him to write sometimes....

I don't need my kids to be exceptional. The number I love the most from a scale of one to ten, is eight. Not because it is auspicious, but that is the level of achievement I set for myself, and I hope for my kids.

I just want them to be Happy and Healthy.



  1. 敏,这些都是很有意义和健设的活动。为孩子建立稳固的基础让他能在漫长的学习生涯勇往直前。太多的时间呆在家孩子就变成电视儿童,善玄就是最佳的典范。喜欢以上的包包照,该提议YAMAHA出自家的包胜过plastic bag :)

  2. 敏,我之前留言是以父母的观点。对一个不到五岁的小孩的确是有点繁重, 在马城我发觉瀚今消瘦了。最主要是瀚今能受益和享受学习的过程。幸好瀚今还有周日全天轻松玩乐能达到平衡的效应。听胡平说国内的小孩压力更大,小小年纪已经博学多才了。其实我是感到惭愧没有细心的栽培善玄,因我是偏向娱乐派的。我想该是时候开始正视她接受正规教育了,或是等她爸爸回来再正视吧!:)

  3. 其实我也是非常矛盾,不知道有压力是动力,还是破坏了童年应有的天真烂漫。。。 我觉得善玄在文体方面很有天赋,她应该也很享受这些,可以培养哦。。。
