~~~~~~Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers ~~Lilypie Second Birthday tickers~~~~~~

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Report Card 学校报告卡

I think the pre-schools nowadays have much better teacher parent communication. Han Jin goes to a mid-tier pre-school, hence, it is sort of expected that there is teacher parent conference, and I wasn't very surprised when the teacher sends out weekly update every Sunday night (see, we are taking it for granted, i.e. we are used to people working during non-working hours), or when there is regular updates on the Shutterfly sites that the class teacher has created. However, Mei goes to a playgroup at the RC center downstairs, which is probably at the very grassroots level, and I am surprised when there is also a report card, completed with the handcraft that she has done during the past 3 months.

Well, since we have just received the report cards for both kids within the last week, let's have a look of what they have done.


Mei's art work as follows: Frankly speaking, I am more convinced that the coloring of the yacht is the original work of Mei. All other pieces probably involve varying degree of 'hands-on' guidance from the teacher.. :) However, I am very proud of the fact that my girl is doing well with a class of kids who are one year older than her in general.

瀚月的手工,我相信那个帆船绝对100% 是妹妹的原创。。。其他的嘛,或多或少都有老师的帮助。妈妈还是很骄傲的,我的还不到两周岁的宝贝。
Han Jin's work is definitely more impressive. Each half year, the assessment starts with a self portrait. Here is a series that he did in the past two years, from a barely recognisable scratch of face, to a candid smiling boy with Mr Sunshine, clouds, grass and flowers.

瀚今做的手工书,描述一家人回中国的事情。Teacher commented that Han Jin was absent from school for too long this year. Indeed, he had the fall and fracture (1.5 months), home trip (2 weeks), chickenpox (nearly 2 weeks) and other minor flues etc over the last 6 months. Pray for my family... Health and Happiness....

Monday, June 27, 2011

妹妹两岁生日+7年结婚周日 Mei's birthday party, Anniversary

Mei turns 2 on 4 Jul. We celebrated early with a combined McDonald birthday party with Xiao Niu.


- first time that we held/attended birthday party at McDonald, not bad.
- first time I set foot in McDonald at Ridout Tea Garden, nice garden setting with an outdoor playground.
- first time we formally celebrated Mei's birthday with friends. Her first was a small family event.

Feedback from Han Yue: she enjoyed it, participated the games, enjoyed accompany of friends, loved the usually restricted fast food, loved her Hello Kitty cake, and loves all the gifts. For me, I did minimum planning, just tapped along Hu Ping's research. Thanks, fellow mum.

Thanks all for coming, and hope you had a good time!

 It happened to be our anniversary, 7 years. Then and Now. 6月26,刚好是我们结婚7年的纪念日,没有做任何特别的事情。两个孩子,日常琐事,已经冲淡了浪漫,要记得提醒自己,before we were parents, we were husband and wife, lovers and friends. 在做父母的同时,我们更是夫妻,爱人和朋友。


Yamaha concert + butterfly 音乐课和蝴蝶

Han Jin has completed 6 months Yamaha music class and the first level, graduation to 2nd level. We attended his graduation concert at the school yesterday. My boy wasn't stressed at all, didn't practice much at home..... and, amazingly? no, expected, didn't perform well. He forgot the piece that he supposed to go solo, he didn't know when to start, he used right hand only... Nevertheless, he had good times and high spirit throughout, eager to participate and made good friends. I think that's enough for me to send him onto the second level.....


Aha! I figured out how to attach YouTube videos! More videos going forward!

On another note, the caterpillar turned into a lovely black with yellow dot butterfly on Friday night. The whole family brought the little creature down to garden and set it free. It hovered at the edge of the box, and almost fell off on the first step, but flied beautifully away in a split of second. An inborn ability....


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chickenpox cleared 水痘好了

A snapshot: Daddy is reading newspaper. I just finished a conference call, and put a tearing Han Jin into sleep. There is a bit regression in HJ's behavior from the stellar performance in China. He was very upset that I was not there at the usual time, and clang on me like an octopus for a while, then bravely let me go when I said I need to take shower. I HATE night calls, I don't even  have a proper study, or a working telephone. I was hooked up to my cellphone for more than an hour, killed millions of brain cells....

Ok, back to the topic. Hurray! Han Jin was cleared from Chickenpox yesterday morning by Dr Kong at Gleneagles, then we went to nearby Botanic Garden to feed the fish and turtle. We had lunch at the Swesens, with kid's meal ordered by HJ himself, and I order pizza to share with him, completed by a large chewy chocolate icecream ordered by HJ. I think he enjoyed having mummy just to himself for one day. I think it is good to have one to one time with each of my children. I love both of them dearly, but much softer towards Mei. However, HJ is the one who is always sweet to me, while Mei, yet to officially start her terrible two, has already started throw tantrum. I have to teach her how to express her anger and frustration.

We brought back a Nebilizer to clear the cough. Mei actually loved the 'smoking' and 'becoming elephant' time. So much different from the resistance the last time that she used it.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Stress 压力

No much mood to write blog these few days. Couldn't sleep at night. All signs of stress.

Sources of stress:

- Work: I am tasked to make a presentation to some senior Directors in the firm on a topic... that I am not familiar with on the Monday after. I will be given a new joiners training next Monday, but I couldn't care less to prepare. On the presentation, the piece of job was done by my counterparts in New York, and I just had a brief understanding over the process, though I am probably the one who knows the most about the process in the Asia Pacific region. I dreaded to study the material on the share point. Though I have blocked my calendar for a few occasions last week, in the hope to study the files, but there were always other issues popped up. I stayed till 2pm last night at home trying to read, but my brain just refuse to work on a Friday night. I scheduled two late night calls with my counterparts in NY next week, and hopefully can get some time to study and prepare the slides. I foresee I will be stressed until the date of the delivery: 27 Jun.

- Sickness: Han Jin had a skin allergic reaction 2 weeks ago after I applied some lotion prescribed by Prof Hui to lighten the scar. He played too hard over the last weekend, and fell sick on Monday. We thought it was a normal flu and withheld the antibiotics GP at SilverCross given. Thursday, rashes with blister developed. Daddy brought him to the usual GP that we go, and I brought him to Dr Ravin on Friday morning, then to Dr Kong. It was a confirmed Chickenpox case. Thankfully, it was mild and Han Jin is still of good spirit, much to the credit of the vaccination. So, calls to all moms, maybe chickenpox vaccine is worth the jab and the costs. Dr Kong assured us that the Chickenpox should be healed within about a week for vaccinated case, while it usually takes 2 weeks for non vaccinated case.  On a side note, Dr Ravin has becoming more risk averse. He referred all the 3 cases in that morning to Dr Kong......

- Stock market: deeply in water.

- Property market: price rocket high. interest rate bottom low. Market on watchers warned softening or even a perfect storm as early as in 2013. A perfect storm is brought about by: interest rate hike, over supply and soft demand. So not the right time to enter property market, but we have to buy/rent one near to a desired school by early next year....

Let me post some lighter topic photos.

- 瀚今出水痘,还好打过预防针,不严重,精神状态还很好。但是隔离的问题就很麻烦,只能尽量隔离两个小家伙。
- 工作上有些压力。
- 股市大跌,前景更不看好。老公坚持不要止损出场。
- 房市高价,低利率。有分析师认为两三年后房价会疲软,利率会升高。可惜我们在明年之前就要买一间在心仪的学校附近的屋子。。。鉴于目前的情况,很可能考虑在学校附近租房子,把现在的租出去。。。


- 妹妹去看朵拉的表演 mei went to a Dora show at the Forum
- 出水痘局限在家却很开心的瀚今 home confined but high spirit Han Jin
- 妹妹看一个有乌龟池的公寓 A condo with a live turtle pond
- 楼下花园的Mr Yip特意给瀚今瀚月抓了一只已经做茧了的蛹,我们在等它化蝶 Mr Yip at the community garden got a encapsuled caterpilla in the cocoon, especially for Han Jin and Han Yue, nicely put in a container with a net. We are waiting for the butterfly.
- 妹妹的新玩具推车,每天会推小baby下楼玩,今天给她吹泡泡 Mei's new toy: baby pram.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Playground hopping & Daddy's birthday 想念游乐场&爸爸的生日

What we missed the most in Chi Zhou, is the outdoor playgrounds that the HDB neighbourhood has. Plenty, spacious, colorful, well-lit, well-maintained, and free, and with kids who queue and share, generally.

So, the first thing I did with Mei Mei over the weekend was hopping around the playgrounds nearby, all within 3 minutes walking distance, and she had a fun time with her favorite swing, and her gross motor skills has remarkably improved. She could clamber up a mini rock climb, and walk on suspending bridges. All happy, I miss you, the convenient tropical red dot.

Daddy's birthday passed on 23 May, during our trip in his hometown. We did nothing special on the day itself, at the request of Daddy. So, we had a little cake cutting for Daddy when we are here, 'just to let the kids know that it is Daddy's birthday'. I thought of GPS as his birthday gift for a long time, but he deterred the idea and I enjoyed nagging at his sense of direction, or the lack of that, and bossing him on the road... :) so, be it. I am his living GPS...



池州 - 相伴相随 Home Trip - Together




1. 两个双人床,爸爸妈妈和两个孩子。扔枕头,盖棉被。。。
2. 爆竹,瀚今很开心,妹妹有点怕。。。
3. 两个室内游乐场,有点像Gogo Bambini。。。
4. 楼下的乐龄活动操场。。。
5. 在外公外婆住的酒店浴室打水仗。。。




I love most about the trip, is that we are with loved ones, take our time, enjoy every minutes with each other.


Friday, June 10, 2011

池州 - 家有高堂 Home Trip - Fantastic Four





有点沉重哦。。。看看孩子们和四位老人的合影,妹妹和姑妈的互动,我们去九华山的照片。 唉,九华山的地藏王菩萨,以孝著称。。。

The Fantastic Four: My parents and in laws.

Translation (meaning) of 孟郊(mengjiao)-游子吟(you zi yin)

A Traveller’s Song

The thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother
Makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy;
Carefully she sews and thoroughly she mends,
Dreading the delays that will keep him late from home.
But how much love has the inch-long grass
For three spring months of the light of the sun?


池州 - 风景与人物 Home Trip - Scenery and People

I did something really stupid last night, unintalled nVIDIA thinking of I don't need the twin screen function (the only function that I knew but obviously nVIDIA is more powerful than I thought). I then spent the whole of last night to reinstall Windows, however, in the slimiest hope, the view is somehow restore. I am an IT idiot.

Alright, back to blog about home trip.

Scenery: very nice! Lots of lakes, greenery, bridges, rivers and fresh air etc.
People: very hospitable! Lots of feasts, ang bow that shockingly big, gifts etc.



- 冬梅姐两周来的美食;
- 安文时常帮我照料瀚今;
- 齐马姐夫带我们四处走走;
- 岺梅姐送的iPhone配件;
- 汪正和陶龙姐夫帮忙安排九华山之旅;
- 耽误了小庆很多的学习时间;
- 所有人的热情和温暖。

Friday, June 3, 2011

Back to routine 回归常例


- 池州的亲戚朋友十二分热情
- 池州的景色出乎意料的美
- 公公一如既往地悉心照顾婆婆
- 我的父母似乎和我的想法一样,对人对景
- 瀚今表现一百分,和妈妈的粘度5%
- 瀚月表现60分,和妈妈的粘度100%
- 老公应该很开心,生命中重要的人都在一起
- 我也很开心,绝大部分生命中重要的人都在一起

Just finished the family P&L and cash accounted for balance sheet. No more energy to update the details of the home trip. Summary:

- Relatives in Chi Zhou (my hubby's home town in Anhui Province) are very hospitable, we were showered by endless feasts and ang bao and love and warmth... which I am not used to, but very touched;
- Scenery is wonderful in Chi Zhou, with countless lakes and well designed city development, a small but beautiful city;
- My father in law took very good care of my mother in law, as usual;
- Think my parents enjoyed the trip as well;
- Han Jin was perfectly behaved! 100% independence and didn't require my attention at all! partially due to no chance to be near to me as Mei is on all the time.
- Mei stick to me 24 hours a day, fell sick due to the sudden weather change, very tiring but I completely enjoyed her wet smacks with mucus and the close bonding;
- Hubby should be happy with all the loved ones around;
- I am happy with all the loved ones around.

To be continued.