~~~~~~Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers ~~Lilypie Second Birthday tickers~~~~~~

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 year end review 年终总结

1. 前九个月迷上了写日志 - 写了100 多篇
2. 后三个月迷上了穿越剧 - 看了30多篇小说,热情在持续,上来冒个泡,我还健在
3. 明天要搬家 - 为了孩子上学近,有优先权,有可能进好的小学
4. 刚刚升职 - vice president 算作高级经理,实在是幸运,年初感叹鱼与熊掌的时候是放弃了的
5. 合家幸福


No entries for past few months, I was deeply addicted to time passing novels, travelling back in times into ancient China in different dynasties, read more than 30 books in last 3 months, and the passion is not dying down.

A review for 2011:

1. A very fulfilling year for me, as I indeed had the balance between work and life;
2. Life wise, my lovely family stayed together happily. Kids growing fast, and hubby and I grew older and closer day by day;
3. Life wise, I had lots of 'me' time, though in sacrifice of sleeping time. But these are the times keeping me sane and feeding the child in me. I was in love with blog writing for earlier part of the year, and new passion is the online time travelling novels.
4. work wise, I got the promotion that I didn't place high hope on. Well, I did perform, but I'm part time, I quit and re-joined. A big thanks to my manager who valued my contribution.
5. with the promotion, comes a sense of insecurity..... redundancy comes as a top-down approach...
6. We are shifting tomorrow to a place nearer to a desired primary school - hope it is a move worthwhile...

Happy New Year!

Sunday, October 9, 2011



- 在公司的楼上听引擎声;
- 公司楼下有UBS的F1战车试驾;
- 拜六在Plaza Singapura 孩子们试卡丁车;
- 拜六晚上去河畔等F1呼啸而过;
- 拜天邀朋友来家里看电视里的F1,喝酒聊天。

步步 + Steve Jobs


Steve Jobs: Apple's founder, passed away on the day that iPhone 4S was launched, at the prime age of 56. 苹果的舵主,盛年56岁去世,iPhone4S 在同一天推出。

关联就在于,过去的两个礼拜,我在iPhone上看完了步步的小说,步步的电视剧,步步的续集小说。大致都在3,4点睡,最迟7点睡,7:18 起来上班。现在看完了,却是恍惚地不知道要做什么,只好再看第二遍的小说。。。

Bill Gates 在致Steve的哀悼上说:He has impacted the life of many, immeasurably... I guess so. 是呀,Steve的辉煌,影响了多少人,包括深夜不睡,在iPhone小小屏幕前落泪的我。。。

过了两个礼拜,已经没有刚看小说时肝肠寸断的感觉,却是如果不写出来,就不知道如何才可以收拾心情。。。 这一刻记得起的经典:




Monday, September 26, 2011

Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑

He lived more than 2200 years ago, from 259 to 210 BCE. Born with the name Ying Zheng, he became king of the Qin state at the age of 13, but didn't really take power until he was 21. After conquering six other states, he united China in 221 BCE. He then adopted an entirely new title, Huangdi in Chinese, combining two words used to describe legendary kings. He is also called Qin Shi Huangdi, or First Emperor of the Qin dynasty.

The First Emperor established a centralised government to maintain his rule of China. He standardised writing characters, currency, and measurement units, began construction on a network of roads and waterways, and created an early version of Great Wall by connecting several older walls. The core elements of his unified state were retained by later dynasties and continue in some form today.

Discovered in 1974 (before I was born :)) in Xi'an (my hometown :)), the terracotta warriors are buried in 3 pits about 1.5km from the First Emperor's tomb mound. Almost 2000 warriors have been unearthed so far, but most are still buried, and the total number is probably close to 8000.

Asian Civilisation Museum borrowed 10 terracotta figures on display. This is probably the single most famous item from my home town. Here, I proudly present you, the Terracotta Warriors.



Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Malay Kampong Tour 马来村庄小游

Joined a half day tour organised by RC, to Sarau Kampong at Lorong Buangkok, boasted as the last kampong in Singapore, maintained as a tourist and cultural spot. We went together with quite a number of close friends, and nearly half of the tour is made up of our pals, which made it more enjoyable.

Personally I love the place, the fresh air, the muddy road, the leafy trees and the shabby house. We went into a household as Mei need to pee, and had a few words with the auntie lived in. It's a tranquil and fresh place, and usually each household has a large compound, resembles what bungalows might have. I saw chickens raised in cage, dogs roamed in the yard, spiders on dry leaves.... Probably for the reason that I grew up in a kampong :)

We also went to a shop to view the Otah production line, a mushroom farm to see how mushroom is grown and tasted yummy dishes cooked by Dr Mushroom.

Enjoyed it! The country girl in me :)


我喜欢,大致是因为我小时候在农村长大 :)



Tuesday, September 20, 2011

West Coast Park 西海岸

西海岸公园是常去的地方,这次的新鲜在于瀚今可以爬绳索塔(?) 了,他也试了飞翔索道(?), 辛苦的爸爸一起爬高上低 :)。同去的Max带了好玩的泡泡。

Weekend afternoon at West Coast Park, a usual spot for us. Han Jin climbed up the tower made of strings with daddy's help, as well as the flying fox. Mei loved the x-wave.

X-Wave: Mei in the center with many other kids shaking at different points.

String Tower: Han Jin and Daddy climbed up to the top and down with the slide.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Big Brother + Language

Another entry about Han Jin.

Big Brother figure

Han Jin is very into his big brother figure, and he is indeed a very loving and caring big brother to Mei Mei. A few snapshots as evidence:

- Mei dropped the bottle purposely, I asked her to pick up. Han Jin intervened: Don't scold my Mei Mei.

- Mei whacked Han Jin on the head for no good reason. My face turned black. Before I said anything, Han Jin said: Mummy, it doesn't hurt. I can see he's holding back his emotion. Mei started to sob after I demanded her to say sorry. Han Jin pat Mei gently on the back: Mei Mei, it's ok. Mummy is not angry with you.

- At the lift lobby, Han Jin dutifully ensures Mei Mei does not stand near the door, because I once told him to take care of Mei after she crashed her finger at the lift in the library.

- At the playground, some of Han Jin's pals or older kids will brush Mei away. Han Jin stands out: This is my Mei Mei, don't push her. This is particularly commendable as Han Jin is usually shy outside, although he looks up to me, hoping me to back him up.

Okie, these are the rosy side. There are times they fight for toys, fight for my attention. But, generally, Han Jin is a sweet brother who is willing to share his toys, give up his books, or let go mummy for a moment. For all these, I am not in a hurry to get him sleep by himself. There will come a day that he doesn't want to share a bed or a room with me any more. For now, I'd enjoy my sweet boy, and compensate for what he has to give up after the arrival of Mei.


- 有时妹妹做错事,我让她改正, 瀚今会常常说:不要骂我的妹妹!
- 妹妹现在会没事儿打瀚今。我沉下脸,还没有开口,瀚今说:妈妈,不痛的。我看得出他在用力控制自己的情绪。妹妹见我脸色不对,开始瘪嘴巴准备哭,瀚今赶紧拍拍妹妹的背:妹妹,不用紧的,妈妈没有生气。
- 在电梯间,瀚今会确保妹妹不要站在电梯门口。我记得我跟他讲过要保护妹妹,不要让她的手夹到。
- 在楼下游乐场,瀚今的朋友或大一点的孩子不要和妹妹玩。瀚今说:这是我的妹妹,不要推我的妹妹。虽然他会看着我, 期待我支持他,对瀚今来说,这不是很容易的。他一般非常随和地不会和朋友起冲突。

当然,他们有时也会争玩具,争妈妈。但瀚今绝大多数都会分享他的书,他的玩具,他的妈妈。 所以,我不会急着要瀚今自己睡,我要和我的大儿子多一些独享的时间。也许不久,他会要求有自己的房间。


Han Jin lately picked up certain pronunciation from his classmates. He would now pronounce 't' as 'd', 'p' as 'b', 'k' as 'g'.

He would say: I'm very dired (tired). Ogie (Okie). It's impordant (important), etc.

His grammar is poor. He would say: go where (where do we go?), later you will fall down, this is my one etc.

His vocabulary is limited. He had difficulty in pronouncing 'electricity car' (in the context of environmentally friendly transportation), or 'democratic' ( in the context of national pledge) etc.

Given that English is a second language to me, I couldn't provide a good environment for him to have exposure to the profound English culture and literature, but at least, I will have to correct his grammar and pronunciation for the words I know.

Art products

These are what Han Jin produced after 8 Virtuoso Artist classes. Luckily, I recognises 3 pieces (Picasso's and Vangogh's).

1. Vincent Vangogh's Sunflowers
2. My Cute and Lovely Pet with Joan Miro
3. Vincent Vangogh's Starry Night
4. Picasso Inspired Portraits

Han Jin wasn't the art teacher's favorite, I am sure. She complained to me a few times that my boy did not have the initiative to work on a piece, and did not finish the class work. What I understand my boy is that, he is a young person aiming for perfection. He would rather not to do it if he knew he couldn't do it best. He often erases his writings until the paper is torn. This is a bad habit, though. So, I had to repeat to him that it doesn't matter if he drew messy or wrote ugly, but he has to try and make it a little better next time. And that was the reason I bought him oil pastels and gave him piles of paper to draw randomly. Still, he likes coloring much better than drawing. He colors nicely within the line, paints fairly ok, but he does not draw....... I will leave it as it is for now....


Here is the original version by the great artists. 原作。

Friday, September 16, 2011

妈妈,你看大树 + 2

1. 经过近日来iPhone YouTube 上的经典儿歌,和我的努力,妹妹的中文有了提高。会哼两只老虎,和泥娃娃。却再也不要看小兔子乖乖。上个礼拜外出的一天,妹妹突然对我说:妈妈,你看大树。我惊喜万分,妹妹第一句完整的中文句子!马上让全家人一起表扬妹妹,受了鼓舞的妹妹那天下午情绪非常好,不停的指东指西:妈妈,你看大树。。。。。

After much effort to create a Chinese speaking environment for Mei, her Chinese has shown noticeable improvement lately. One afternoon, she burst out in Chinese: Mum, See the tree! Her first complete Chinese sentence and the whole family joined me to praise her. After that, she kept speaking in Chinese that afternoon: Mum, See the tree! pointing to different subjects....all becoming tree...

2. 昨天搭巴士回家,145的终点站,车上不剩几个人,按了铃,站在门口,突然有一位老大爷冲我笑着挤眼睛。礼貌的弯了一下嘴,心想这老大爷怎么了。他又接着偏偏头,我开始有点不耐烦。老大爷不得已抬起手指了指,哦,后座上有一位酣睡的女子。。。:) 赶紧走过去叫她醒来,有点莞尔自己的迟钝。。。

Taking 145 back home, the last stop before the terminal, pressed the bell, and waited at the door. An old man suspiciously smiled at me with a wink. Returned a courtesy negligible smile, wondering what's wrong with him. He then shrugged his head side way, and I began to feel uneasy. Since I still couldn't comprehend, he had to point to, a young lady who was fast asleep at the back row. Oh, dear, quickly woke her up, I laughed at my retarded reaction after a whole day's work.

3. Saw a couple along AYE the other day. A young couple at the road side. We were turning the big loop at Clementi Road heading West, from the start of the long stretch of the slip road, I spotted them very early after the turn. The guy held the girl's face in both hands, and she was about one head shorter than him. The girl was in long skirt wearing silky long hair. The guy was carrying a bulky backpack. He held her face gently for a long time, about 10 over seconds from we turned the loop and drove on the slip road and passed by them onto AYE. Finally he kissed her gently after we passed.


Monday, September 12, 2011





明月几时有?  把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。

"Thinking of You"

When will the moon be clear and bright?
  With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.
  I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night.
  I'd like to ride the wind to fly home.
  Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me.
  Dancing with my moon-lit shadow;
  It does not seem to be in this world.
  The moon rounds the red mansion;
Stoops to silk-pad doors;
  Shines upon the sleepless.
Bearing no grudge, why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart?
  People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart;
  The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane;
  This has been going on since the beginning of time.
  May we all be blessed with longevity;
Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.


It's a beautiful Mid-Autumn lyric by a Chinese poet Su Shi in 11 centuries, written for his brother who is far away in the capital while he was dismissed to a county as a local official. Most of the famous poets in Chinese history did not enjoy a successful career, and hence out of the sorrow they produced beautiful pieces sang by many nowadays.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Noreen & Noelle

Look at the sumptuous food, what auntie Lucy prepared for Noreen & Noelle's birthday party! Auntie Lucy helped us when Han Jin had the fall. She is someone special among all the helpers in the vicinity. She doesn't join the maids circle gossip and gathering. She spends her spare time reading. She has the curiosity and willingness to learn new cooking dishes, and prepares wonderful Chinese food. She is someone who is self-driven and have a passion to learn new things. Sounds the perfect employee? Even in a corporate world, I need such staff...

两朵金花的生日,文红和文君,女儿的贴心和可爱 :)工人煮的食物很好吃!

千湖渔场抓回来的鱼终是没有养活。。。楼下社区花园的Mr Yip给我们多几条小鱼和水草,希望这些小鱼的生命力会更顽强。。。



New House

Not mine. Ah Wei's. Had a visit to friend's new house, very spacious and nicely renovated. The layout happens to be the same as what we have viewed the other day, for a rental flat at Clementi. However, the condition is so much different.


Big House

 Not mine. Hubby's ex-boss, my teacher's. A 3 story bungalow, too much space for the kids to run around. My dream house is just a quarter of that. Just notice that Mei Mei is in her favorite laced skirt in both pics. Yes, her favorite is 'pink ballet dress'.


Saturday, September 10, 2011


Not backlog about my work, but backlog about my blog. :)

After a record number of 26 entries in Aug, the momentum died down and I have not updated any in Sep. It was due to the fact that I was busy clearing backlog at work since I took a fair number of leave in Aug and worked really hard during the month end closing season. I did not see sunlight when I went off for past week. Supposed to knock off at 4:30pm with my part time schedule...

Ok. No complaints. Should consider lucky that I have a job that I do enjoy? :)

Before the weekend starts, let's look at what we did last weekend:

 Usual activities at Sat. Morning Literacy Plus and play with school mates after than. Afternoon Yamaha. After Yamaha, we met hubby's ex-colleague for dinner.

Oh, dear, the 27 months girl is even chubbier than Mei Mei. How cute! Two chubby girls with similar outfit playing games. How cute!



周日早上和Max去游泳,抓到瀚今跳水的一幕。下面三张照片:试着跳水的瀚今被Max推了一把,跌进了游泳池,水漫过头,水里的爸爸着急的表情;瀚今恐慌的哭,Max的爸爸也来关心瀚今;过了一会儿,Max分享怎样在水中屏气,瀚今腼腆地笑。 游泳真的要学呀!大力推荐裕廊东游泳池,有漂流,海浪,50米高的滑梯,各种小孩子的泳池。

周日下午去看Yi Hsian打乒乓球,一个全国的海选赛。给瀚今买了专业的球拍和球鞋。地点在大巴窑,我住了4,5的地方,别有亲切感。。。

Sunday morning at Jurong East Swimming Complex, tried the sea waves and floating, but not the high water slides. Han Jin had a scare in drowning, but hopefully a motivation to learn swimming.
 Sunday afternoon at Toapayoh, witnessing Yi Hsian playing at a national table tennis competition. Bought Han Jin the bat costing me over 100 bucks and table tennis shoes. Toapayoh, the place I stayed when I first came to Singapore, where I met my hubby and we got married. A place of memory...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Play hard 玩乐






A lot of play over the last few days, weekend + Hari Raya.

Sat: LiteracyPlus, a chat with friends at home. Went to ACSI in the afternoon, as Max's dad is teaching in the school, and had yummy dinner at Max's. No photo though.

Sun: Morning: East Coast, tried the slow and stable family bike, and watched water ski. Both kids liked. At the beach, Han Jin and Jia Cheng had fun, but not Mei Mei. Joined Hao Jun for swimming at NTU alumni in the afternoon.

Mon: Called by boss. waited almost the whole for the team member to submit their mid-year review... nothing to share.

Tue: Went to Singapore Art Museum. Lots of kid's activities, but didn't get to see any exhibition. Joined the circle of friends at Qian Hu fishing farm in the afternoon. Kids had lots of fun catching fish, so did adults who had to fish.

东海岸,East Coast Park

Water Play at NTU Alumni 国大玩水,为了镜头而牵手的清清和妹妹

艺术博物馆大致上是个孩子玩的地方,2楼和3楼的展厅我们都没怎么去;Singapore Arts Museum

Qian Hu Farm fishing fun; 千湖渔场,教育孩子们的皓俊妈妈

Monday, August 29, 2011

Presidential Election 总统选举

It's a first time for me to vote for a president, and it could be true for many native Singaporeans. The last President by election was many years ago, who were dearly remembered by many.

I didn't have the time to watch news, only managed to read papers on the train. So, with my limited knowledge of any of the candidates, I asked hubby for his opinion on the polling date. He has been following the news every night, and indeed provided me two names out of the four.

With the two names on hand, I tossed on my way to the polling station, couldn't make up my mind even at the time of ticking the box.

The result was out yesterday, as hubby and I checks online during family outing.

An elected President, by the people, and for the people.



她来听我的演唱会, 在十七岁的初恋第一次约会
我唱得她心醉, 我唱得她心碎






She came to my concert, at the first date at seventeen;
The first love queued a whole night for a pair of tickets,
spent half a year's saving;
My song made her happy, yet sad;

A letter came three years later,
withdrew the love shared;
She remembered the steam whistle at the train station, hastened her steps;
broadcasting my song, moved many to tears;
hey, moved many to tears;
She came to my concert.

Beautiful love at 25,
but the boyfriend sent roses to other girls;
She refused to answer phone calls;
spent sleepness night in my songs;
My song made her happy; yet sad;
Love doesn't seem matter for adults;
She went to Karaoke with friends for drinks;
Sang my song and teared with the MV;
hey, teared with the MV;
My song made her happy; yet sad.

True love is precious at 33;
younger girls asked her to give up the beloved;
Let the man choose whom he loves; whom he loves;
My song made her happy; yet sad;
She tried hard not to look tired;
We sang the song with no regrets while years passing on;
Sang the song till tears fell down in the applause;
hey, sang the song till tears fell down.

Women who listens to music after 40, are true beauties;
Her kids asked why she cried;
her husband fell asleep at her side;
She listend to our concert quietly.






Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fidgets @ Turf Club 马城儿童游乐场

On Wed, Mei's school organised an excursion to Fidgets @ Turf Club. I wondered we might be able to hold HJ's birthday party there, and searched online before hand. It was boasted as Singapore's largest and more popular indoor & party venue (directly quoted from the website).

Well, a little disappointed as the place looks quite run down. And the escalator broken down the day and all kids and parents had to walk up and down the narrow and long escalator. Not very impressed as a party venue, but Mei did have fun. She was more advanced than the time that I brought her to GoGoBambini, and is more willing to climb up and down and around and tried a number of slides. I retreated at all slides, either too steep or too high for me... coward mummy...

She was exhausted on the way back, but refused to sleep. We reached home at 1:30pm, long past her usual nap time at 12pm.

妹妹的豆豆班去位于老的赌马城的儿童游乐场,据说是新加坡最大最受欢迎的室内游乐场。有些旧陋了。 但是妹妹还是很开心,比小一些的时候更乐于尝试各种设施。

Friday, August 26, 2011

Closure 完全康复

Han Jin's last appointment after half a year of the fall which caused fracture, endured two procedures. Hurray! Everything is perfectly fine, and he indeed can become a professional tennis player if he wishes :)

We went to the doctor on Tues in the early morning, in a very light mood. We went to the Chinese Physician to get some herbs for him to have a better sleep and appetite. We then went to McDonald at Ridout for a lunch (I put down a $15 deposit for his birthday party in Oct, but still searching other options at the moment). We went home and had a long nap till 5pm.

We -> Han Jin and I. Just two of us. He obviously enjoyed the undivided attention. So did I. :)

At home, we made faces, we made muffins.

Here, We -> Han Jin, Han Yue and I. Three of us, the more the merrier. :)


我和瀚今看了西医,看中医(他的食欲,我的皮肤过敏),去吃麦当劳 -》两个人的幸福时光。

回家加上妹妹,更开心,做鬼脸,做点心 =》我的一对宝贝。

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jacob Ballas Children's Garden 植物园儿童区


Not to break the curfew on the first day it put in place, just some photos at Children's Garden, a nice place to hang out for families with young kids. Oh, and a video of Han Jin, funny..:))

Age 年龄

On leave, I stepped into a hair salon, getting a bit bored with my curly hair which is getting frizzy after more than half a year in the same style.

Me: 'I want a rebounding.'
Hairdresser (around the same age or older than me): 'Have a seat and I have a look.'
M: 'Sure.' (no matter what you say, I wouldn't do anything more than a rebounding.)
H (release my hair and spread it out with some kind of admiration?? is that what suppose to be if a person takes pride in her work?): 'Oh, curly hair looks perfectly fine on you. It softens your features, and brings out the feminine at this age.'
M: 'I want a rebounding.'
H: 'Rebounded hair is too straight and doesn't have the volume. It's not suitable.' (at least, she didn't say not suitable for the age.)

Anyway, I was convinced and walked out the hair salon with my old curly hair, albeit, a little shorter.

Umm.. yes, my age, I'm middle-aged, rebounded girly hair doesn't suit me any more?

I admit I'm aged, reluctantly. I see my freckles more visible. I'm less energetic after a late night... blogging. If you may notice, my blogging time is after kids slept, sometimes goes into wee hours. Blogging might be a good habit, which gives me an arena to express and relax, but my blogging habit is not a healthy one.

I'm putting on a curfew on my blogging time. No later than 12mn over weekdays and no later than 1am over weekend.

Ok, putting a photo of me, at 34.5, and a photo where the camera casted a kind eye. I look worse in person.








Sunday, August 21, 2011

on leave 休假

Another 2 days off, just clear leave. Not really relaxed, worried about the piling up of work...

Tried some educational games/activities with Mei, who doesn't really recognise color well yet. After 2 days intensive training on colors, she pointed a fish at the aquarium at Plaza Singapura: 'Pink! Pink fish! This my fish, nobody can touch!' It is indeed pink, and it is her favorite color, a girly girl :).

Daddy took half day off on Friday. We had lunch together, pottering around Holland V, holding hands, which is the single most romantic gesture in my dictionary...

We then fetched Han Jin early, and headed swimming pool for a cooling play out.

I was trying to be color coordinated with Mei these few days. :)





bags 包包

Women and bags. Women and branded bags. Why women likes branded bags?

I ever came across a blog where a husband kept a blog catalog for his beloved wife, showing all her 50 over branded bags, sorted by size, color, brand, style, for her easy browsing and selecting matching bags when necessary.

I am far from that category. I like branded bags too, but not because my fashion sense, if any, simply because I can't carry non branded bags at my age any more, especially, when I am going to work. Peer pressure in an investment bank.

My humble collection to date: Gucci, Longchamp, Coach, LV. Thanks Hui Jen for bring the first two in from London.




Show & Tell

Mei's school has show & tell session next Tue about family. Each kid made a card in the shape of a house, and parent is asked to write down the address and paste a family photo. The last Show & Tell, Mei brought her favorite xiao gou you (stuffed dogie toy), but I didn't prepare her at all. This time, I tried to prepare her to open and close the speech. She bursted out after opening the card " my gor gor, five years old; my daddy wears sun glasses, wears glasses; my mummy pretty; I'm cute."

Haha,, thanks, dear! I take it as a compliment.

PS: I need to take note to help Han Jin prepare whatever school asks for. I overlooked and usually just shuffles the school notes away....



Moments 当下

Following the  7 moments I did earlier, I think it is good to have such a series to cherish/remember the moments in life that made me take a moment. Here is another 7 moments recently.

1. A moment of intimacy with hubby 忙碌中的亲密

Since I started blogging, he did not visit the site and kept wondering what I do staying up, until one afternoon I received an email at work 'dear, you wrote good blog, keep it up!'. He spent an hour at lunch break read my blogs. After kids slept, he joined me to have a sip of wine, and we curled up on the sofa and continued browsing through the photos and rekindled love and connection.


2. A moment of quietness with friend 和朋友的清茶
Visited a friend's place one afternoon, just Mei and myself. Mei was engrossed with the collection of toys of friend's kid, while both mums had a blink of quietness appreciating Chinese and Japanese tea.


3. A dignified moment - Redundancy

Market is in turmoil. Headlines in news projecting banks cutting staff. I didn't feel a pinch at all, until one morning, our Director called the team into her office. I noticed her eyes were red. Fighting back the tears, she announced that one of the senior VP in the team was made redundant the last Friday.

- Redundancy in a bank works the way that the impacted employee will be notified on the very same day, escorted out within a very short period of time, with personal items being collected/passed on by security staff.
- I read articles that Friday is the best day in a week to announce a bad news.
- I am touched by our Director, who I always believe is a people manager.
- All the above are my personal views, and I meant to be ambiguous and hope not violate any confidentiality rules.


4. A moment of weakness - at work

Just for a moment, I lost my usual cool and tears tripped down. That was a mere moment of weakness in my professional life, feeling swamped. Again, I meant to be ambiguous and this is just a note for myself. I needed some deep breath and a trip to the ladies, then back to fighting breaks and mastering art of delegation.


5. Moment of memory - in life

These are the simple things that make me smile. A bowl of freshly made corn soup by hubby, resembles my childhood favorite food. A dish of lotus root with sliced pork by hubby, resembles what I used to eat at the cafeteria of the hospital I worked in.



6. Do you remember - how to jump? 你还记得怎么跳吗?

It has been months that Mei has been trying to jump. You wouldn't believe what a difficult task it is to take both feet off ground. She finally did it today, at a ripe old age of 25.5 months. Applaud from mummy, darling. Do you remember when was the last time you jumped? What we painstakingly learnt at childhood, becoming a skill that we seldom use in adulthood... Next time, jump when you are excited, want a breath of fresh air, or just feel like jumping....



7. Appreciation - helper 保姆在尽力煮菜,值得嘉奖

The problem with my helper lies with her attitude and vanity. She pulls long faces day in and day out, ignoring my existence. She wears G-strings, low cut jeans and tight fitting tops in weekdays, and hot pants etc on off day. However, I appreciate her for taking good care of my kids when I am at work, doing all the house chores that I dreaded to touch, taking over Mei when I need a break, coaching Han Jin's Kumon when my patience is up, and occasionally surprising us with a good meal.  Today she prepared Chinese pancake and Filipino desert, and made banana muffins using the newly bought oven.

Monday, August 15, 2011

表情 Emotion

In tune with the other two posts about Mei's emotional response to 'Salut d'amour' and '小兔兔乖乖', here is a pic of Mei's facial emotion over a meal.



小兔兔乖乖 crying bunny

我心血来潮要给妹妹看一些中文的动画,在iPhone的YouTube 上找到好些个经典的动画(我童年的回忆呀:)。看到‘小兔兔乖乖’,妹妹每看一次,就大哭一场,还不停的要看。哭到伤心处,要把家里的每一个小兔子抱一遍,不停的哭,还给小兔子说着什么。



I shown Mei some classic Chinese nursery rhymes over the weekend. There is a particular song about a bunny who stayed at home and refused to open the door to a big bad wolf, and waited till mommy rabbit coming home. Mei cried each time she watched, and insisted watching many times.

So she cried a lot times this weekend. I gathered it is not about the fear of the bid bad wolf, but rather how a little bunny has to stay at home by herself and mommy only comes back at the end of the day, because she doesn't cry when the big bad wolf comes, but only wails when mommy rabbit comes home.

My sensitive girl...

Tonight, I wanted to record her crying, but she held back her tears in front of the lens. It was only after I turned off the camera, that she couldn't hold it any more. and I took a few shots...


Accountability 一只球

For a wonderful mum who consciously instills the right value of accountability:

* Raye played soccer with Han Jin at the playground.
* Raye did a high kick and the green ball went into fenced construction site.
* Both kids went to the construction site the next day, but couldn’t find the ball.
* Raye went to a mall with mom and used his pocket money to buy a bright new yellow ball.
* Raye didn't bring enough cash and borrowed $2 from mommy.
* Raye counted four 50cents from his piggy bank and returned mommy the $2.
* Raye passed the ball to Han Jin, which is bigger and bouncier than our old green ball.

What Raye might have learnt: accountability, disciplined saving, money sense, borrow and return, multiplication 4 times 5.

Then this mommy wants to teach appreciation at bedtime:

* I told Han Jin he needs to appreciate Raye's gesture. He asked why.
* I told Han Jin that Raye bought the ball using his pocket money. He asked 'then what'.
* I have to add more colors: so I told an imaginary story about how Raye was given $2 a day for his school lunch, he ate a plate of chicken rice costs $1.5 and had 50cents left. He can either buy a drink, or save the 50cents. He chose to save. (Han Jin asked why). While, maybe he wants to buy a Beyblade. (Han Jin: he can ask his mommy to buy.) While, he had a few Beyblade, but he wants one more and he had to buy use his own money. Then, he saved for a whole month, with no drinks. Finally, he had the money. But, bang, he kicked the ball, and had to use the money buy you a ball! Gone is his Beyblade.
* I thought he would sympathize. He laughed: what if he saved again and kicked my ball inside the construction site again?
* I got furious: Han Jin, what if it is you who kicked the ball and had to use your entire saving to compensate the other kid?
* He started to weep: I miss my green ball.
* I gave up: sleep now.



Clementi Mall

We planned to meet Ping's family for a visit to the zoo today. While I went out to buy kids' food, hubby and helper locked the door with keys inside. So change of plan, we cut the trip short to Clementi Mall while helper waited for the locksmiths.

A few thoughts:

About locksmiths: costs $50 to open a lock, after which, the lock looked intact and still can be used. A profession calls for strong integrity and ethics, more so than any other professionals. I wonder how a skilled locksmiths selects an apprentice. Ethics must be on top of the list.

About Clementi Mall:

Awful external design; pleasant interior and all necessary shops; chilling air-con while my kids were in outdoor attire prepared to be in hot sun in the zoo. We didn't managed to stay long, but had a few shots.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

The drumming cat

Mei Mei loves 'the drumming cat' from Yamaha 2, and acts to the rhythm.

However, her favorite from the album is the 'Salut d'amour (Love's Greeting)' whereby a dolly misses her little owner who now grows up and no longer plays with her, for which Mei Mei, interprets as Jie Jie misses mummy and flies to look for mummy. After each viewing, she sobs and curls up to me. 'Jie Jie's mummy come back from work already.' 'Mummy hugs Jie Jie, Jie Jie not sad anymore.'

That's probably how she relates. My lovely girl.

小女儿喜欢听哥哥雅马哈的歌,到了‘打鼓的小猫’就会手舞足蹈。可用她自己的话: 最喜欢看姐姐飞去找妈妈。那是一首叫‘Salut d’amour' 的歌, 法语,直译就是‘你好,爱’。故事情节性很强,一个可爱的洋娃娃坐在窗边,窗外的景色由春到冬,年复一年,娃娃灰色的回忆想起小主人刚收到她时抱着她,推她出去玩,抱着她睡;窗外的小主人已经婷婷地拿着公文包;娃娃飞出窗外,和很多玩具一起飞,其他的玩具飞离了地球,娃娃停了下来;穿着婚纱的主人又抱起了娃娃,娃娃的回忆变成了彩色。。。



Saturday, August 13, 2011

Road Safety 安全

I was mad at Han Jin just now. I was mad because I love you, boy.

Finished his class at LCentral, one of the classmates waved goodbye to us, and while I urged Han Jin to bid goodbye to his classmate, he let go my hand, and cheekily ran away.

He ran up the stairs, while I was still trying to be nice to the classmate.

He made a turn and headed up another stair. I realised it leads to the main road.

I called out 'Stop!'. I screamed 'S-T-O-P'!. I dashed. I heard a voice of an auntie say :'Hey, boy!"

I ran up the stairs, caught the sight that he made a abrupt brake at the very edge of the road curb, with upper body protruding into the road.

Pulled him back, I reasoned and cautioned in a voice that I couldn't recognise myself. The auntie joined to lecture how dangerous it was and it could be.

He was taken aback, with tears whirling, 'but I stopped.'

I sat at the road side, held him in my arms for what felt like a decade.


- 不要放脱他的手;
- 教育他路边安全;
- 告诉他不要靠近窗户。


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Friends 朋友

A day to meet friends.

We went for a buffet lunch at Gallery Hotel with Raye's family. The two girls are growing up together. What I learnt from Jolin today:

- bring a scissor when eat out, which comes in handy to cut the friend for little kids;
- bring something to keep the little tots occupied after they finished their meals while adults get a chance to eat. What she brought today: a coloring book set for the girls and a lego set for the boys.


晚上庆祝豆豆4岁生日。Happy 4th Birthday, Zi Yan! Look at the mountains of fries I fed Mei. Cecilia Leung is definitely a good mum in my dictionary in terms of junk food.

National Day Parade 国庆庆典

Majulah Singapura! We managed to get 2 tickets this year, thanks to Wan Ying who gave up her ticket. Daddy and Han Jin went to the NDP, came back dead beat, but he commented that this should be one of the things you need to experience at least once in life, probably only once. Too crowded and too hot.

The celebration mood kicked in yesterday, while both kids need to wear National Day attire to school, while both of parents have to be absent from their school events, given it is during month end closing. To complement their attire, I dressed in red and white to work, only to find that I am the odd one.

Last note: New citizens do love this country, care for its future and have a heart to serve.



Monday, August 8, 2011

文武双全?Han Jin Says

* Han Jin says: "Why do I need to do Kumon everyday?
* Han Jin says: "Stop scolding me!" Daddy says: "Stop beating me!"
* Han Jin asks: "What will happen if there is no water in the world?" Me: "While, all of us will die of thirsty." Han Jin: "We can drink milk." Me: "All the cow will die as well so there is no milk." Phew, feeling smart.
* Han Jin asks: "Why all the baby chicks are yellow, while mummy hen are white?" Me:"....urr, I don't know. I will google." I couldn't find the answare on internet. Feeling stupid...

Han Jin is camera averse these days. So here is some video taken in Apr (reciting Chinese idiom) and in Jan (martial arts after watching Ip Man).

* 瀚今说:我为什么每天要做Kumon?
* 瀚今说:不要教训我了!爸爸说:不要踢我了!
* 瀚今问:如果世界上没有水,会怎么样? 我说:我们都会渴死的。瀚今说:我们可以喝牛奶。我说:牛也渴死了。啊,觉得自己可以应答。
* 瀚今问:为什么母鸡是白色的,但是小鸡是黄色的?我说:呃,我不知道,我去网上查。可是网上也查不到答案。你知道吗?拜托。。。


Waterplay 玩水

Had a busy Sat, we stayed home on Sun morning, partially due to the wet weather, to catch up Kumon worksheet, missed the fun at Ikea.

We made it up in the late afternoon! A trip to Vivocity to buy National Day attire for both kids, and had some fun at the water side. Daddy also had his dinosaur Nokia phone fixed. Talking about this, I have to praise my hubby a little on his thrift on himself and generous on kids and me; his good cooking skills; his loving father figure; his faithful spouse; his family man; his good take home pay; his filial piety; his sense of humor.... wait, it's not anniversary, not Valentine's day, not birthday. Why am I praising him? umm, need to appreciate the other half on an ordinary day! :)


School Search 小学

Following the P1 registration this year, we have to scope down the schools for Han Jin next year.

Some time ago, we made a trip to tour Nanyang Primary, the then preferred school as it is viewed as the top primary school in Singapore by many. However, the results for Nanyang is not rosy, as balloting is required even for kids staying within 1km in phase 2B. So, Nanyang is largely out of the picture for conservative me, who might not be able to weather through the tensed balloting for my children's future.

Actually, when it comes to primary, there are two school of thoughts and I see merits in both. One school advocates branded school where the children meet the right group of peers, the other believes ordinary school where your kid can shine anyway if he is the material.

Since Nanyang is out, we left Nan Hua and Henry Park, and we paid a quick visit to both this Sat morning.

Nan Hua: squarish layout (am I viewing property?), Chinese culture, beautiful fish pond, impressed by the Chinese poems on the corridor arch. A little run down, pretty noisy as it is along MRT line.

Henry Park: quiet, relatively new with a modern finish. Irregular layout hence might be hard to find your own classroom. Had a hard time to find the washroom when Mei needed to pee. Can you spot the washroom hidden in a zoo?

Nanyang: a pic from the Internet. Great landscape and building nested in a quite surrounding, strong Chinese atmosphere, seems to have the combined merits of Nan Hua and Henry Park, but it is a school out of reach.

- 南华:可能性90%如果我们搬家
- 恒力:可能性99.99%如果我们搬家
- 南洋:可能性60%如果我们搬家


Child free gathering 清酒

Thanks to Chen Ni (at the corner of the photo with a glass of lime juice), who arranged a weekend gathering for the 5 families on Sat, we gathered at a cozy restaurant run by a couple, husband being the chef who is Japanese while wife is a Nonya who serves Sake in a Japanese style.

We left all kids and maids at Chen Ni's, enjoyed a meal with no screams, on the Chinese Valentine's day, and on a backdrop of S&P downgrading US Treasury bills. A number of us are trading stocks, so not really a good time to celebrate, but we kept the spirit high, especially with the delicious food and the delicate Sake.

As it happened to be Chinese Valentine's day, I took photos of each couple, happily married. Chen Ni is by herself, while Sin Wee is in London on  a 6-month business trip. She is a wonderful wife, and a wonderful friend. Salute!

The Sake took the center place in the picture as I really love it. It probably will become the next favorite of mine besides wine, in the range of drinks. I hope I can find the exact fragrance in a market.

  • 贞霓提前预定位子和点菜,老板不是每天开店,仿佛做的不是生意,是心情;
  • 孩子们和保姆们留在了贞霓家,几步之遥,有炸鱼香肠BeyBlade, Barney, 也是不亦乐乎;
  • 很久没有单独吃饭了,适逢七夕,牛郎织女估计也放下扁担,过一下二人世界了;
  • 只是S&P刚刚宣布降低美国国债的信用评级,周五已经大跌的股市,来临周一不知道会怎么样。。。
  • 喜欢上了清酒,像是多了醺醺感的醪糟,米酒的清香。以前也喝过,只不过这次经过老板娘的手,多了味道,希望在超市里可以买得到这样的不烈的清香。

Saturday, August 6, 2011

当下 moments



I chanced upon a Buddhist saying on 'Moment' which I couldn't locate or remember the exact words. 'Cherish the current moment, be grateful of what life has given, live each moment with an appreciative heart'. This was what I believe, meanwhile, I didn't know it was the wisdom of the Buddha.

The 7 moments of this week, where I stop, inhale the fragrance of THE moment.

 * A piece of Jazz on the way to facial at Paragon. Live music by Martin Elias Reyes in the podium of Paragon with grand piano. Many shoppers stopped, listened, applauded. This is probably why Paragon is the high end shopping center. Music En vogue. A moment of peacefulness.

拜三下午休息,我难得的兼职安排,从最初对这个面部护理的沮丧,到现在接受事实,决定去享受既然已经不可以改变的事实。于是很平静的呼吸,踏进百利宫,听到抒情的爵士乐,伴着大钢琴的音质,在百利宫里绕梁。其实这里几乎每天中午都有现场的音乐,只是今天的心情特别平静,准备好了去体会当下。- 平静的当下。

* After the facial, a cup of hot ginger tea, on a raining day; a bowl of red bean soup in white china. The white china in smooth curve, reflecting lights and entice returning customer, which I am not one of those. This place is still out of my lead, probably for quite a while in life. Nonetheless, appreciate it. A moment of indulgence.

做完护理,一杯热的姜茶,在一个下雨天,窝在让我显得弱小的大沙发里,还有一窝不甜腻的红豆沙,装在流线弧度的白色细瓷里。不去管商家的用心,这一刻,我只想享受慵懒。 - 慵懒的当下。

* It was what Han Jin said 'raining dogs and cats' on Thursday morning. Daddy called the whole family for a stop at the road side, to watch a giant snail embracing the rain. It stretched out of the shell, crossing the metal grill on the drain carefully, and happily enjoying the morning rain. Four of us watched it crossing the drain. Snail isn't quite as slow as I thought. A moment of discovery.

拜四早上下着瓢泼大雨,瀚今开心的重复英文里的大雨(直译就是下猫下狗)。爸爸叫住我们,看路边一直胖胖的蜗牛过水沟。我想象它是快乐地享受着毫不吝啬的雨和无人打扰的静。那种在雨打芭蕉中的静,那种忽略周围一切变动,向内看的静。原来蜗牛并不如我想象中的慢。 - 发现的当下。

 * Reached home at 7:20pm on Friday. Caught Han Jin and Mei at the lift who were going to LCentral. Joined them. Returned home. To my great surprise, my helper made curry chicken and bun for the first time in the 3 years she's with us. Ha, hidden skill! Fabulous tasty curry, and original Chinese bun. More to it, I gathered the courage to knock my neighbour's door and shared the food with the Grandpa next door. Sally asked me to keep an eye on Grandpa while the rest of the family went to Malaysia for a stay over. I touched his trembling hand when passing over the bowl. Grandpa is in 70s, I believe. My kids greet him every time passing his window, a few times a day, within me lifting Mei up so that she can meet Grandpa's eyes. Kids and me love the feeling of having a Grandpa nearby. - A moment of sharing.
拜五晚上下班,在电梯口遇到一对小儿,来不及回家,穿着三英尺的高跟鞋抱着14公斤的妹妹去送瀚今上学习班。回来,惊喜发现保姆煮了咖喱鸡和馒头,地道的不加糖的馒头。这里外面买的包点全是甜甜的皮,当时沿海一带的口味,所以什么都不加的馒头是好久没有吃过了。敲了邻居的门,在钢筋水泥的快节奏中,敲邻居的门其实是需要一点勇气和冲动的。Sally一家去了马来西亚过周末,爷爷一个人在家,递过那一碗咖喱鸡的时候,爷爷老迈的手有点抖 (不是我在煽情,是老人家不自主神经的抖,我婆婆以前有一阵子也这样)。我的一对小儿每天经过爷爷窗口时都要打招呼,一天几次,每次一定要抱起妹妹,她看得到爷爷才开心。我们自己的两个爷爷都不在身边,小儿和我都喜欢这样有一个就近的人可以叫爷爷。- 分享的当下。

* Friday morning, rushed to office, noticed something on my desk. Rushed to an interview. Back to my desk. A nicely packed gift from Monica, a colleague from another department who dropped by the day before and noted my family photo on my desk. She packed something for my little girl. We have been working on a project together, great working relationship, but usually I do not expect a personal touch. Wrote a line on email, deleted. Picked up the phone and said thank you. Monica: Hope that the small gift will make the day for your girl. Oh, dear, it definitely made my day. A moment of appreciation.
拜五清早到了办公室,急着去面试新人,回来才发现一个可爱的小礼包。Monica,另外一个部门的同事,我们在一个项目上有合作,前一天她来我的位子看到我家人的照片。一个可爱的小礼包送给我的女儿。一般在公司不期待私人水平的交流,所以会感动。写了电邮,删掉了,拿起电话说谢谢。- 感谢的当下。

* On way to work, noticed an orchid growing in a tree, a common sign in Singapore. However, it touched me this time, maybe because the lively green and purple tenaciously growing.  A moment of life.
上班的路上,发现了一簇长在大树上的胡姬花,在热带里很常见的景色,让我驻足,可能是因为鲜艳的绿色和紫色还有顽强乐观的生命。- 生命的当下。

* Han Jin's newly shaved head, by me. The point is not that I saved $10, though I am happy about it too. It was a family time, with Daddy, Han Jin and I. We simmered the moment, just three of us with a lot of laughter. A moment with my first born.

瀚今新剃的头,我剪的。他已经在理发院剪了近一年。愿意给我理,很荣幸的。这一刻,只有爸爸妈妈和瀚今。妹妹睡了,妹妹现在经常是注意力的中心,对妹妹我从来只有妥协。所以我珍惜这一刻,和我的大儿子。- 家人的当下。