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Monday, July 25, 2011

Racial Harmony Day 种族和谐日

I took two days off on Thurs and Fri, just to utilise the leave balance. I didn't travel outside 1km radius from my home in the 2.5 days (Wed afternoon off as well).

So, a recollection of what I did in 2.5 days.

- slept late every day, watching with a hawk's eye on the P1 2B registration, analyse the results, and be discouraged.

- though slept late every day, didn't update the blog at all. Watched Australia, starring Nicole Kidman, one of the prettiest actress.

- 21 Jul was Racial Harmony Day in Singapore, so I made a few trips to the supermarket on Wed afternoon, and finally decided to cook sweet dumpling made of glutinous rice, for HJ to bring to the school. The school had a potluck of different cultural food and kids dressed in racial costume. Parents are not invited.

- bought Straits Time and Zao Bao, and happen to read articles about the riot in Shinjang (XingJiang). Some rioters broke into a local police station and held officers and civilians in hostage. Government sent security personnel to the scene to rescue the hostage and 4 lives lost during the attack, including one police office and one security guard. Racial Harmony. Hope my country handle the unrest well, and we progress to a truly united nation.

- brought Mei to the library by bus, and enjoyed aircon, books, and.... fries. Mei loved it... ah, just once in a while, ok. I'm not feeding her junk food all the time. Think of the accusation on Cecilia feeding her kids junk food... I am a doting mum, right? I do feed my kids junk food at times. so what?

- met a new friend in the neighbourhood for lunch at Sushi Tei at holland village. An enjoyable two hours with no kids. Good to catch up with girl friend, and I signed up a Yoga class at the CC starting next week, in the same class with her. :)

- fetched Han Jin from school on one of the days, picked him up from Kumon on another day. He started subtraction... a little difficult. Sent and picked him up from LCentral. He enjoyed the class.

- attended the RC meeting on Thurs and got one ticket to NDP show... but just one, how can I get another ticket, so that at least I can bring Han Jin along...

- on Sat. Sent Han Jin to Literacy plus, and brought both of them to the swimming pool, by myself. Daddy is busy with quarterly announcement (hopefully price will move, finger crossed), and helper need to cook. I managed brought back two unhurt happy tots. But mei started sneeze this morning and mucus flows... Helper said that it was because I brought them to the swimming pool in a hot weather?

- played with Mei at the community garden while chatted with Mr Yip, and had some fresh organic mustard.

See, all within 1 km. My lovely sweet home is so conveniently located! How can I find another place of such convenient location, but within 1 km of a good school!


- 天天晚睡,不停的看小一报名的情况;
- 天天晚睡,却没有写日志,看了妮可*肯德曼主演的‘澳大利亚’,美女加美景;
- 21号是新加坡的种族和谐日,瀚今学校要求穿民族服装和带种族餐点。想了很久,决定带汤圆。。。因为很简单,前一天买了,试着煮了,交代保姆第二天清早煮50个汤圆。。。是煮了,汤倒掉了。。。只剩下没有汤的圆,闭着眼睛送去了,,,应该是没人吃的。。。
- 天天买报纸看,碰巧看到新疆有人袭击派出所的文章。种族和谐呀!希望祖国真的可以做到;
- 带妹妹去图书馆,吃薯条。张柏芝被人讲喂孩子吃垃圾食品。。。在所难免的,有错吗?又不是天天吃;哦,在图书馆发现了我当年最爱看的‘新周刊’,不亦乐乎!
- 和新认识的朋友吃寿司,聊天两个小时,享受个人时空。还报了社区的瑜伽课,和她一起:)
- 接瀚今放学,去Kumon,开始做减法了。去LCentral。。。
- 去居委会开会,拿到国庆庆典的票,只有一张。。。
- 爸爸在忙季度报表,我带两个孩子去游泳。。。妹妹今天有点伤风,保姆说是因为我带他们去游泳。。。
- 和妹妹在楼下的社区菜园玩,友善的Mr Yip给我们讲很多不同的蔬菜的名称。



  1. 很享受阅读妳的blogs很窝心。你继续加油,我是妳的忠实读者哦!:)我有太多生活点滴想分享就提不起劲post blogs...没时间没心情没假期。。。想写时又深夜了。。我的blog何时能像妳与时并进;)
    Note: I did realize recently 'Post a Comment' having issue using Goggle Account. So I tried to use 'Name/URL' function and its worked :)

  2. 多谢支持呀!感动得鼻涕都要流下来了:)最最喜欢看comments,深夜不睡的静谧有人分享。。。 你的blog更新也不错呀!就算只是短短一篇,给自己回忆的记录。。。
