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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weekend 艺洲 & 体操


--- 为了张柏芝,她的经典对白,却也只能是在热恋中的女生才可以这样任性得可爱。5年之后,还有这样的要求,只会被人当做了要丢掉的包袱。所以,从任何时候开始,一定要对自己好;要宠自己,不能骗自己;开心的时候,尽情珍惜;不开心的时候,要哄自己开心。

Before I start my diary, this is a paragraph about a HK celebrity couple who made the news headline every day in past month, Cecilia and Nicolas. I side her, as I believe that women in marriage is more vulnerable. Especially, with the kids, I don't think she voluntarily wants a divorce. All the best, Cecilia.

Alright, our weekend filled with gatherings. On Sat, Han Jin had a few enrichment classes to attend, and we were late at Yi Zhou's double full month celebration. Everything was great, from the food, drinks, cake, wine, to friends, chatting, kids entertainment. I was busy eating / chatting, hence, no much photos. :)

On Sun, we met up Chen Ni and Ping's family for a trial class at Asian Gymnastic Academy at Horsecity. My first time to the old turf club, and delightfully surprised by the rows of houses with different activities, and most of which are family friendly or healthy lifestyle related, creating an overall relaxing atmosphere somehow resembles that of the Holland Village, but more of a family hub, than a hanging out spot. Han Jin had his 3 rounds pony ride. Mei liked the swing chair and rabbit.

I wasn't overly impressed by the Gym though. The set up is catered for all age group I think. Worth mentioning that Mei particpated for the programme together with her gang which was meant for 3 to 6 years old. She was quite clueless and required a lot instructor direction and help, but she managed flow along until about 30 minutes later this male instructor put her on a ring swing and just pushed her off. That was the breaking point, maybe she has been tolerating it. Maybe I should have taken her out of the lead earlier. But anyway, some early life experience for Mei. For Han Jin, probably just pieces of cakes, and another outing time with friends.



  1. 我超喜爱妳的开场白和见解,举脚认同!。以期苛求和期待身边的人不断为爱付出而成了包袱,不如爱自己爱大众,把爱散播人间。将心比心!:)

  2. umm.. 发现我的境界还停留在爱自己和身边的人,而你有更多爱别人和大众的意境,是对的,我要胸怀更宽阔。。。
