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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Awakening of the lion 醒狮之舞

Acknowledging cultural differences and diversity, my company has organized a celebration of this lunar festival, featuring the “Awakening of the Lion” dance - a long-standing Chinese tradition used to frighten demons from local businesses and communities and help bring good fortune to all (per Corp Communication, I wasn't sure what Lion Dance was for). My team members knew that I wasn't very lucky lately and helped to arrange the lion to come to my desk for a special touch, appreciated! Thanks Leanne and Diana. I do hope that the touch of the lion will bring me better luck, especially in the sense of health and luck.

Rachel shared some photo-taking tips with me, and shared a link to camera review. Think it could be the time to upgrade my camera...



I then had lunch with Judy at Soup & Spoon, exchanged tips on parenting and investment. Envy her relaxed job and potential for windfall now and then. :) Let me know when you want to change job! :) 午餐和Judy一起喝汤,交换了一些育儿心得和投资观点,最近太过勤奋于写博客,没有时间关注市场动态或做投资分析,这个月的投资收入是零了:(

Daddy doesn't have to send Han Jin to the school in the morning, so he drop me at the MRT station nowadays. On the way, I took out the camera prepared for the lion, and took many shots of myself, a dragon. :) 早上爸爸不用送瀚今上学了,于是改送我上班了,到地铁站而已啦。带了照相机去照狮子,先自己拍了很多这条龙:)本来是想做个和妹妹一样的大力水手造型的,不成功。。。


  1. 吉好!属意吉人天相。今年龙生肖的运程强又棒哦!有很多吉星和福星拱照,得心应手。 言自生肖运程学家。

  2. 托你吉言了,希望真的是吉星高照!:)这样臭美的,说什么都可以,不要说许纯美就好:))
