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Monday, February 21, 2011

Who is the boss at home? 皓俊5岁生日

In a traditional Chinese family, the father is the authority head who supports the family solely and has the final say of everything. In a current Chinese family, the wife is usually the one who is in control, evidenced by the numerous controls that some of my friends in China have over the financial and domestic matters as well as the tight control over the husband. It might be prompted by the insecurity of married women in this ever changing, ever tempting society. In an ideal world, I fancy a strike of balance that both parties contribute ideas, discuss issues and concur solutions. I have been whining to my friends in the past few days that I have given up too much decision making power to the other half. I might be the financial minister of the family, who runs all the admin matters, produces monthly P&L, does research on the options, presents proposals, and be scuritinised of the proposals by the prime minister. Actually, I wanted my kids to have the impression that Daddy is the king, however, not to their knowledge, mummy is the empreress behind the vail. :) It hurts me a little when Han Jin insists that we should ask for daddy's permission when mei mei wants to watch TV. Seems I have little power left in my hands by always showing respect to the supportive husband. No doubt, he is supportive of any decision that I make, but lately I didn't make any decisions all by myself, and I guess it became a habit that daddy has the final say.

I kept wondering in this current society, when women become more and more successful in career and contribute equally financially, what is the role that we play at home? When we become capable of making decisions in office, standing up to our male counterparts, or giving orders to our male subordinates, are we still the submissive little wife at home?

I still fancy the balance of power at home. And, to be balanced, I will take a step to make a decision... to buy a better camera, and to buy an iphone.. hahaha....

In the library, I hope to cultivate their love for books

HaoJun's birthday party under the moon, with lots of junk food and activities, kids loved it


  1. 其实能做小女人是很幸福的,当然要自己觉得舒服,开心最重要……

  2. 聪明能干的人才能做后备,我想做proposal还做不了呢.

  3. 你们俩都是在家里当老大的。。。。。

    同意,我多想做小女人呐。。。 可以扮傻,不做事。。 可是我家领导是放手型的呀!

  4. 能修得夫妻是‘福气’,相处之道在于平衡与互持。地位大小不重要,应当在不同的情况和立场可以灵活性的角色对换。


  5. 其实在家里不拿主意挺好的。。乐的清闲。。。。说真的做八戒多幸福呀。。嘿嘿

  6. 谢谢你们来参加haojun的生日会

  7. 我也想做八戒。。 可是做不成呀!
