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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

About Mei 22 个月的妹妹

This blog is meant to be dedicated to my family, for my kids to read when they grow up, for hubby to read when he finally gets a moment to read my blog and ponder with me on the happy days, for me to read and remember how lucky I am.

So in addition to updates on family activities, I will update the developments of my little ones. This entry is for Mei, who is at her cutest 22 months.

Mei is early in terms of language. She speaks full albeit simple sentences. She takes charge and gives her opinion, at home. She is more timid outside.

Han Jin: Mummy, can I watch the TV (eat the sweet / play the games etc)?
Mei: Cannot! (before I answer)
HJ: Mummy, can I watch the TV?
Mei: Cannot!
HJ: Mei Mei, can I watch the TV?
Mei: Can!
HJ: Mummy, Mei Mei said I can watch the TV.

At this point, I am trying my best to hold my laugh and couldn't resist any request and go along with Mei's permission.

Mimic + easy going
Mei loves to mimic whatever Han Jin is doing. If HJ is having a cup of apple juice, she needs a cupful. If HJ eats the calcium chewable capsule, she needs two (split into half). She tries our table food, she gets french fries. A lot more junk food than Han Jin used to have at her age.

She is happy playing with other kids, gentle towards younger kids and not shun from playing with them. Eager to play with older kids, try to get along and mimic what they are doing. She had a great time with a 15 months old girl at the playgroup the other day. Mei plays with new faces, while Han Jin stays with his old gangs.

Mei plays with Raye (not sure this is the correct spelling), a 7 years old primary school boy, whose sister, Renae is in the same class as Mei, from a family that we have play dates now and then. I am always amazed at how the fantastic mum stimulates/teaches the sister at every opportunity. Two girls drew together, I threw the paper away afterward, the mum get the girl to tear the paper and put in a recycle bag (good for fine motor skills). Two girls playing together, I watched gleefully, the mum prompted questions about colors, opposites etc. A lot more intentional education through daily activities!

Ok, here is Raye, the first boy (other than our family members) carried Mei Mei, and she absolutely enjoyed and kept mentioning about it for a few days.

Meal time
Mei is a far less fussy eater (compared to HJ) and she still drink loads of formula milk now, around 800ml a day. Han Jin took around 200ml a day at this age. The first sentence Mei speaks to me when I am back from work will usually be: Mei Mei eat 3 bowls. (while, a bowl of mixed food, a bowl of soup, and another bowl for her to self feed). She let the maid feed her with no issue, and finishes the 3 bowls within 15 minutes, mouthful after mouthful.

With me, this is what she does (my first video on this blog, taken by iPhone. the vid by camera has a too large size and I have not figured out how to compress it for blog uploading)

I used to take pride in preparing her food when solid was first introduced. I would get up after putting Mei into sleep, and diligently mix organic food to boil, blend, store and label for her. That probably lasted for about half a year from 6 months onwards. Then, I delegated the food preparation task to the maid, and still did the sourcing of organic food for her for another 6 months. Then, the maid took full charge of her meal with non organic food...

I am looking into the feeding schedule and what goes into my girl's bowl these few days. We might change it from boiling + blending with minimum seasoning, to fine chopping and stir frying with a little more ingredients.

Play time
Most loved outdoor play: swing, swim and slide
Most loved indoor play: puzzle and toy house
Most loved person to play with (in descending order): mummy, gor gor, Ayi (the maid, both my kids call her Ayi, Chinese term for auntie), big gor gor (Jia Cheng), daddy. I wonder how Daddy's Girl will come into play, maybe with time.

Bath time
She likes to play water, but not that much towards bathing. Similarly to Han Jin, washing of hair needs delicate skills to avoid any contact of water with the eyes. Throughout the bathing time, she will yell 'ears go in, eyes go in' means water goes in ears or eyes.

We tried to put the two together for one day. It worked great and Mei obediently followed Gor Gor's instruction and let him lather her all over. HJ felt GOOD to be the one who is in charge.

Here is the few seconds that I caught on video.

Bed time
Mei shares a bed with the maid, something I always wanted to change, but perpetually deferring. My ideal set up at home: Mei and HJ share a room with their own fancy car and princess bed. We have a super king beds (matrasses on the floor) in the master room, for parents and kids to co-sleep over the weekends! If I ever got a new place (not likely in this roaring property market), this will be set up to go!

I do start Mei's bed time routine, by bathing her, playing puzzle with her, lying down to watch her drink her milk milk, then retreating quietly when the maid takes over. Some days, she's ok to let me go (probably the days when she had enough of me, for instance, the days when the maid is on leave, we will play kiss the hands, kiss the feet, kiss the tummy, and then she would voluntarily say good night to me). Some days, she sobs; some days, she wails. It pains that I have to go, to put HJ into sleep. If I have a few minutes before HJ's bedtime routine starts, I will lie next door in the dark, listen to Mei "Mummy, come back. Play Mummy (means play with mummy)". Sweetie, you plead didn't fall on deaf ear, mummy heard you, but just need a better routine when we finally get a dream house.

Sweet Moments
Couldn't recalls specifically, but I can't have enough of my girl, I can't have enough kissing of her, tickling of her, playing with her. What if I become a stay at home mum, would there be a time that I say I had enough?

I hope not.

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