~~~~~~Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers ~~Lilypie Second Birthday tickers~~~~~~

Monday, January 17, 2011

Art Wall 瀚今的美术墙

We received the graduation photo for Han Jin's N2 class from Little Skool House by the Vista. Inspired by the art wall in Hong Feng's cluster house, I decided to put up Han Jin's art work for this year. Han Jin started Visual Arts class in LSH 3 months ago, and I do see improvements in his drawings.

He was very excited on his works on display and explained each drawings with details. I understood that the fish swims in dark blue sea; glittering Christmas trees has dangling jojo for hanging of presents?; the yellow house in the zoo belongs to our family, while the rest are the houses of our 6 neighboring families; Han Jin and Mum went on kite flying, though actually it was Dad who ran with him in the grassfield for the kite........

We also took out the dinosaur wall sticker, Han Jin's 4th birthday presents from Angelina, and pasted it on the wall. It was cute that there are exactly 5 dinosaurs, and Han Jin  has named each of them: the little one in front is the Brother Dinosuar, talking with the green giant Papa D, followed by Mama D with little red Mei Mei D in between, and lastly Aunt D.


Last week, I stayed at home quite a bit as both kids were not doing well. I worked from home on Monday, and took day off on Wed though it was our FX hedging day (thank my immediate manager for being understanding and appreciate the flexibility). Things went ulgly on Wed night, and Mei Mei was admitted to Gleneagles Hospital on Thurs and was discharged today. I will update more on this string in next entry. Right now, let me finish Han Jin's art works.  Han Jin was kept at home from Mon to Wed as he was coughing, and we spent a little good time together before Mei Mei fell seriouly ill on Wed night. On Wed, Han Jin and Mum made stars together with the following steps:
1. Mum draws a star;                   2. Han Jin colors the star;                         3. Han Jin cuts the star;
4. Mum fine cuts the star;             5. Han Jin puts doule sided tape;              6. Han Jin puts up the star.

瀚今和瀚月上个礼拜都不舒服,在瀚月的情况还没有严重之前,妈妈和瀚今一起做了星星。妈妈负责画和精剪,瀚今负责填画,粗剪,放胶布,贴星星在墙上。值得一提的是:所有妈妈的照片都是瀚今照的,很不错呀!之前一直没有给过瀚今机会,看到贞霓的博客Angelina已经会照相了,所以瞒着爸爸给瀚今用爸爸心爱的照相机 :)

Star Making 一起做星星 Han Jin: You Are Mummy's Star in the Making!


  1. 太棒了!我好喜欢你家的美术墙和对瀚今有更深入的了解。愿小瀚月早日康复。贴心与细心的妈妈最漂亮!

  2. 瀚玥好些了吧?瀚今长大了,动手能力很强嘛!

  3. 谢谢两位妈妈,瀚月已经好了!只是声音还有些嘶哑,在医院哭太多了。
