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Thursday, January 27, 2011

英玲家的聚会 + 妹妹的汽车座椅 Gathering at Ying Ling's & Mei's Car Seat

周末去英玲家,小如意满月了!久违的朋友们,依然亲切。突然想起小S对大S的话:爱她的才华横溢,爱她的无酒不欢!适合讲给巧红。:) 感谢英玲一家的盛情款待和住家美食,可惜没有拍到女主人的照片。亮亮和恬恬和瀚今瀚月玩的很开心,在楼下骑车子,每人一架哦!在游乐场牵手的照片看着递增的高度,瀚今还一直说着亮亮哥哥呢!席间,感性的二姐拿出相册给我们看,有人提起看起来我们大家和十年前还一样,我想这是因为我们在一起变老吧. 英玲讲这叫相对静止!heehee :)


We had a gathering at Ying Ling's place over the weekend, friends of over 10 years got together. I always love the home cooked food by Ying Ling's family. :)) the last time We had it was 3 years ago for Tian Tian's full month celebration, and this time for Ru Yi's. Hope that we don't have to wait for the number 4 for the next. heehee:) Thinking back, I haven't invited them over for dinner except for Han Jin's full month. I should do something even if I don't cook. Children played together happily, while old friends chatted away. There is this Theory of Relativity about how we looked still the same as 10 years ago, it was because we are not aging relative to one other, in other words we are aging together.. :)))

Mei Mei's car seat was put aside for quite some time and we started to use it on this weekend. A few photos of Mei and us (a lot of Mum... pls bear with me..:)))


  1. 给勤奋又臭美的妈妈鼓励一下!我看你快要需要新相机了……哈哈

  2. 哈哈,看我能坚持多久。。
