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Monday, April 11, 2011

Arty 附庸风雅

A spontaneous day! We probably followed the footprint of a tourist today, so happy and relax.

Chen Ni informed the circle of friends that there is a Congo River, Arts of Central Africa exhibition in Asian Civilisation Museum ending today.. urr.. with free admission. We went there in the early morning (early as in around 10am), after making two rounds to look for a car park, and eventually parked at the House of Parliament. Maybe one day, I shall bring the kids to the House of Parliament for a tour. I went there many years ago, as a requirement for new citizens, and indeed found solemnness in the air and respect grows suddenly and in abundance.

A short walk to the Asian Civilisation Museum, realised that we had visited here probably before the arrival of Han Jin. 3 halls we visited altogether, the Buddhism, the Taoism and the Congo Art. I am totally a layman to art, and only able to appreciate from my amateur taste bud. But it doesn't stop me from liking all the collections. Like the Chinese calligraphy more. Like the Congo culture in its raw and primitive freshness.

Other than Wong family, my other friend, Ping's family was there. She is in the line of art, being a graphic designer, paints herself occasionally, works freelance in an art gallery, probably spend most of time when she is not with the kids investing in stocks and property... so, is she an artist, or an investor??

Both the other two family have to go home for lunch. We left alone in the gallery at around 11:30am. Sunny day outside. We decided to take a stroll along Singapore River. Setting my foot on the red brick pavement of Boat Quay, I suddenly felt like a tourist, the busy CBD is just behind me and I am not bothered about work at all. I can walk as slow as I care, we can stop to look at the king crab in the restaurant tank, stop at the river side to wave to the boat, smile at the ushers of different restaurants... The street is strangely quiet at Saturday lunch time... usually it is filled with people hanging at the bars, tourist coming to the seafood restaurants.

We decided to lunch at my favorite place (yet having been there since Mei was born): Jin De Lai at Boat Quay. It is the best Xi An restaurant in Singapore, all dishes are truly original, teasing my taste bud (not for art) longing for home food. Just couldn't decide which dish not to order... sumptuous meal... so contended. Highly recommended! It is not a glorious place, but it offers best food...

The kids were very excited about the boat on Singapore River. I promised them that if they are not tired after lunch, we can go for a ride. It is already 1pm after lunch, we decided to take a tour on the wooden vessel. I was a little worried that Mei could becoming grumpy as her nap time is long past, but she enjoyed it from start to end! Not to mention Han Jin who is more excited.. It wasn't that hot as the Boat cruise along the River, breeze brushes on your face, green water is at your fingertip, office is far away.... I am a total tourist today!

Best of all, neither lunch nor the boat ride was planned, it happened spontaneously, and beautifully!

我像个游客一样,悠闲地逛了亚洲文化博物馆,徘徊在新加坡河畔,吃了西安餐馆,凉皮一级棒!其他推荐菜色:大盘鸡,葱油饼,尖椒土豆丝,海带豆腐皮,烤羊肉串,肉夹馍。 地址:金德来餐馆,新加坡河畔驳船码头。

The Koran of Islam 可兰经;Buddha from Thailand 泰国佛像;Bronze Drum 青铜鼓;footprint of the Buddha 佛祖的足迹
golden Buddha 金身佛;white jade Buddha 白玉佛;Mei copying the Buddha posture 妹妹和佛
Congo Arts 刚果原始部落艺术
In the culture of Savannah, women play important roles as rulers, priestesses, honored mothers, and powerful ancestors. Family line is traced via female line, reflective of the high status of female figures. The last photo is a painting by Pablo Picasso, who was profoundly inspired by his encounter with African Arts. The painting is about a head which is largely unrecognisable to me. Picasso = abstract...
Chinese Art 齐白石的荷
道,瓷,扇面; Taoism, china, covering of fan
Activities in the Museum 手工活动,新婚,小憩
Boat Quay 新加坡河畔,金德来西安餐馆
Boat Ride 游河


  1. 敏,我实在太喜欢这篇写作。图文并茂。棒!我一定要去食你推荐的西安菜色。
    请email 我你们新婚照,想把我们三对合放在一起以作留念。

  2. 谢谢支持!哪天我们一起去吃吧!真的是地道的西安菜,价格也合理。只是坐在河畔的话,要贵一倍,所以我们都是在shophouse里吃....
    照片已寄出,your work email, with an out of office reply
